funky chicken: I have seen a few... - Asthma Community ...

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funky chicken

7 Replies

I have seen a few references to this, but am not sure what it is. Can you tell me - and is it a side effect of medication?



7 Replies

The funky chicken is a reference to dance you do when you have excuiating cramps in your legs and feet. Unlike ordinary cramp (the kind you might have got as kid swimming) stretching the affected muscle only causes the opposite ones to sieze up. It is usually accompanied by crys of ""expletive* cramp, oh gods expletive* cramp"" I won a Gold medal for mine and the judges were particually un-impressed by the abilty to get it in both feet, ankles and calf muscles all at the same time and to wake the entire household to boot.

There is a deffinate colleration between the amount of salbutamol/bricanyl you are taking to how ""good"" your dance is. However, it is reletive so an astmatic who only normally uses the odd puff of releiver can do as impressive a dance as the person who is on regular nebs, long acting releivers and sub cut, if they need to increase their meds. To a certain extent your body seems to get used to your normal doses but the one extra neb or using your releiver inhaler only a little more can trigger it off. If you see what I mean.

I have discovered that you can get cramp in every muscle in your body, chest wall, hips, back, cheeks and to the amusement of everyone who saw it (Hops I think was there) even your tongue, however that only started when I went onto sub-cut.


* word to rude to post here :)

Had top laugh at your description Bex, so apt, They Shoot Horses Don't They film has nothing on us lot. Must admit to never having had cramp in my tongue, although I think my husband wishes I would have sometimes - mind you I wish he would too! may stop the snoring and I could get at least and hours sleep a night!!!

Bex - you are quite right it was me who had the honour of witnessing the cramp in the tongue scene - certainly a different take on the funky chicken as was the boob crap too!

I did quite a good funky chicken yesterday at the side of the swimming pool while watching Rosie went to move leg and got a nasty cramp on the top of my thigh, which as i managed to ease off the other leg then started , i dont know what the other mums thought about my contorsionist act to try and relieve it .most embarrassing as dont know mwny of the mums yet!!

I had tongue too, and jaw when yawn? the boobs and ribs when putting bra on!! never normal places? blooming sub cut!!!

Andrea xxxx

How about muscular spasms?-I have had quite a few of these recently-not enough to qualify for a dance-unless its a St Vitus style one!

Hi Everyone

Thanks for your replies - funky chicken sounds 'orrible! The reason I asked was because I have had painful tingling and muscle spasms in my feet. The GP thought it was related to damage in my spine (I have arthritis) and gave me amitriptyline, which has helped, but I'm reluctant to increase the dose to see if it stops completely. I just wondered if he was wrong and that it might be a side effect of asthma meds - not that it makes any differnece really.


Hip crease, chest, and jaw are my oddest ones. Calf is the most common for me though.


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