I would really like to have more of an understanding more about my asthma, and thought it might be a good idea to do more research. Particularily around the exchange of gasses and the physiology of the lungs. I am told I am a brittle, however I do find it very difficult to see why sometimes I am treated very aggressively - hours in resus with IV Hydro, Mag, the stay in HDU etc. and sometimes not. I would like to understand the 'trigger' or point that the medical profession use for the aggressive treatment. And I have so so many questions....
Does anyone have a good website, or book that would explain this in more detail. I have done research on the brittle asthma and the treatment of such and reviewed the British Thoracic Guidelines, but I would like to have more of a biology lesson. Maybe there is something else I could do to make this illness go away.