Room 101: So apart from the obvious... - Asthma Community ...

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Room 101

53 Replies

So apart from the obvious (asthma) what would you put in rm 101 I am going ABG's.


53 Replies

What's room 101?

KateMoss profile image


Room 101 was in 1984 by George Orwell - somewhere If I remember right (Read the actual book in 1984 at school) is where to put things that you really don't like!

nebs with a mask

yaf_user681_30003 profile image

The so aptly named Christian Dior's ""Poison"".

Im much with u Bex except going 1 step further - arterial line oh yea and tissued venflons!!


hi this is groovy chick and i would put into room 101 Lynx deoderant and other spray deoderant Ciggerattes and lighters

all polutant stuff

really stupid people and ignorant people toofrom groovy chick

getting put on non resp wards due to bed pressures! but mainly the black labrador PAT dog at my local hospital being allowed to visit the resp ward and the person in charge who continues to think its a good idea and is investigating adding a rabbit to the zoo. INSANE!

aerochambers and masks.

Urgh, They may work but they are eviilllll!


i know what else id put in room 101 annoying people who do your head in and say you dont have a certain thing and you know in yourself you do.

i would also but rape seed in room 101 because it smells awfull and makes you ill with bad side affects wouldnt you all agree!

i would also put people with awfull hair cuts in room 101 not dyed as that would be awfull as i like to see some hair dyed people

from groovy chick


Nick Griffin


Mariah Carey

Chris de Burgh

Call center cold calls

Rugby Union

Burberry capped youths

The Sun/Star/Daily Mail/Telegraph

Meff Dancing/Meff Dancing on Ice/

Pop Idle (sic)

..I could go on...

....shaving on cold winter mornings

celebrity druggies


drunken hen parties

Jeremy Kyle


""customer services""

morning shifts


....I,m on a roll here..

london traffic



alarm clocks


Ignorance and bigotry



BMW drivers

Non-UK call centres

Norwich Union Direct

Telesales operators

Small Heath, Birmingham

I could go on...!

I would put racism,bullies, and everything nasty about in this world.

whats wrong with bmw drivers?

yaf_user681_30003 profile image

Broken promises

101 read me

hi i know something else id put in room 101


smelly feet

smelly shoes

swear words

Show offs

nastyness and backchat and people stiring up troubble for others

yeah and i agree with alanj broken promises people promise theyd do something and they dont do it.

knives not to harm any one

vialance and crime


fizzy drinks and

e numbers stop making everybody hyperactive

addertives in microwave ber ding meals

from groovy chick feels its someone elses turn now.

BMW drivers - I've yet to encounter one who didn't think they owned the road, and who didn't think that indicating was completely optional.

Also, they drive BMWs...!

Mercedes drivers are much more considerate ;)

Hello PeakSteve, might you be a Mercedes driver by any chance?

I would put the drink you have to have if your potassium level is low Sandocal K sp in Room 101, oh and all computer support packages that you pay a fair bit for but never actually see a person when it goes wrong, just someone in India who is difficult to understand giving me instructions that i don't grasp!.

Symbicort. Its tastes minging and comes in a turbohaler. Urgh.

If there is any room, i would like to put mercedes drives in here =)

yaf_user681_30003 profile image

Government ministers and fog (might be the same thing - never quite worked it out)


How about the horrendous acidic bile that your first 40mg dose of Pred. seems to produce-or is that just me???

Perth College.

Elderly relations.

The UK, I so want to emmigrate to Australia.

Devolution, if it means we can get independence for Scotland now.

No doubt I'll think of more.

Jen x

Intelligent design

the CIA

Haliburton/Bechtel and other faceless Megacorporations

Katie Price

""handbag"" dogs


bonding courses at work-just let me do my job and pay me you bad hanks!


George Bush

Tidy rooms

PF meters

My Year Head.

Grrrr...... I really need to let rip more often. lol

For reference, I drive a Honda.

Now, Cathbear on the other hand...

Litter droppers

Marks and Spencers Belgian Milk Chocolate Coated Californian Raisins, someone please remove them all from all the shelves of any Marks anywhere near me and shoot me if you see me with a bag.

Seriously addictive!


Cannula complications

Induced sputum tests

Any remote control with more than one button, apart from the on/off one

All traffic wardens in Nottingham

Chelsea tractors…

… which reminds me of a funny (well I think it is) car story. Feel free to substitute other car names.

BMW drivers version of events -

The other day I was cruising along as usual coming onto one of my motorways, which was very busy with inferior cars.

First off, I couldn't believe that the volume of traffic DIDN'T slow down for me AT ALL as I came off the slip road! I had to squeeze into a barely big enough gap between two cars in order to get onto my motorway! (The driver of the car behind me did realise his mistake though and honked an apology to me with a long blast of his horn.)

Unbelievably, I had to do the same again before I could get to the BMW lane. (Why do underlings use this lane? Surely everyone knows it is for BMW drivers only?)

Anyway, once I was in the BMW lane and posing along at 95mph enjoying the adulation that the inferior car drivers were giving me, I noticed an inferior car ahead of me which was not only in the BMW lane of my motorway, but was driving at a ridiculous 70 mph!

Naturally, I got to within a foot or so of his rear bumper and flashed my headlights to remind him he shouldn't be in the BMW lane of my motorway and to get out of my way.

Of course, once he realised it was a BMW behind him, he did just that, but I could hardly believe it when he pulled straight back out behind me! He also tried to keep up with me and when he realised I would out-run him, he put on some blue lights in his front grill and urged me to get onto the hard shoulder so that he could congratulate me on my excellent car.

Needless to say, I was eager to oblige and when we had stopped, the man gave me a piece of paper confirming what I already knew - that my car goes fast!

Apparently he wants everyone to know what a superior car I have, so I had to take my driver's licence to a Police Station to be sent away to have some points put on! (They're not free points either - they're £20 each and I was only allowed 3.)

But the man at the Police Station said that because I drive a BMW, it won't be much longer before I earn the full 12 points, and then I won't even NEED a driving licence, so they will take it off me!

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Cars with more than 2 ltr engines


Shopping centres, too hot, impersonal and ruin the high street

Cheap Alcohol

Cigarettes and all tobacco products

Chewing Gum, just look a the mess on the streets

Most of my other gripes all ready mentioned.

yaf_user681_26410 profile image

Crab - i love it but it hates me

My ex - does that count???

yaf_user681_33231 profile image

Do you want the cats I've dumped in the give him a good scratching.

Patronising GP's

Jen x

yaf_user681_28534 profile image

Teachers who complain about me missing lessons for cons appt... Grrrrrrr!

BT, got a fault on my phone but can I convince them it is not at my end can I bottom! We have trailed around the house unplugged every phone, Internet connection, SKY box, brought a brand new phone and still the phone does not work, but it is not at their end oh no can't be BT's fault can it!



Ah, BT. You need to moan at them to stir them into action. You can request a call-out on the understanding that if they don't find a fault with their supply/equipment, you will be charged for the visit.

I had to do that about 5 months after we moved here when our broadband stopped working. Got a visit the next day, problem sorted, no charge because it was their line that needed replacing.

While we're here, can I put Virgin Media into room 101, please. NTL Telewest provided absolutely abysmal service, but lo-and-behold Virgin have done the impossible; they've made it worse.

labour (and delivery)

pregancy too!

I think I may have put them in before but I'll do it once more for luck. Perth College.

(Lack of support for mental health issues, and lack of understanding as to how I am at the moment regards long running lung infection and poorly controlled asthma whilst being ill.)


Stairs and hills...lets make the world flat, why do we need all these uppy and downy bits, if everywhere was flat, we could breathe and it would take less time to get from A to B!!

And spiders!!! Yucky!!!


hehe I'm with you on the stairs!

Lung function tests in mine. Definitely. If I'd ever had an ABG I'd probably change my mind on this but I'd much rather have a blood test than lung function tests!

Also cons appts, complete with my amazing ability to babble like an idiot in them. Job interviews, for the same reason. My pyromaniac neighbours. Militant smokers.

Bee Gees. All copies of Massachussets. Cannot stand it. Family tease me by playing snippets.

Once, at work it came on the radio and I almost took the coat rack with me in my haste to grab my coat and go for a very early lunch.

Going down Hwy 101, I had video camera going when what did I hear from car stereo? Flipping song again. Other half, driving, turned up the sound and said loudly 'Hey! Your favourite track is on!'

Yep. You can hear it and him when video played back. :(

Edit: thought better of post so deleted.

angievere profile image

'Music' in shops and lifts. Radio 2 in our GPs surgery.

My surgery went through a phase of playing classical music. Should have been good, I like classical music - except they only seemed to have one of those annoying compilation CDs that plays the more annoying pieces on repeat. It is NOT relaxing esp when you have to wait for ages and hear the same thing 4 times. They just have quiet piano music now which is better as you can ignore if you don't like.

angievere profile image

Our surgery has Radio 2 on, quite loudly. The interviews occasionally jar when they are on sensitive subjects, such as cancer/death, also the news (murder, war and general mayhem). It's depressing enough waiting (usually ages) in the surgery, without being forced to listen to something you dont like and can't switch off. Gets on my nerves so would definitely go in Room 101!

Rap music. Actually I don't know how it can be described as music. It sounds like someone talking a lot and saying nothing. Empty vessels make the most noise.

The vets. Loving going and seeing all the fluffys, just ended up sitting outside with the receptionist freaking out offering me a glass of water, if only a glass of water helped, we'd all be laughing.

Xx lisa

Science journals. My college library. Athens login. Elsevier. Nature. The science publishing industry in general.


Sorry, trying to find articles for my essay...supposedly my college library has subscriptions to various journals and databases but even when it does I have to click about 10 times and fill in my details multiple times, and this time it's refusing me access to really quite a major journal with an article I need. Such a massive waste of time!

Grrr. If only I were a top-level researcher who could make a gesture by boycotting Elsevier...hmmm, my cons actually is one though, wonder if he's signed the petition?

Sorry, this is massively uninteresting unless you're involved in it all or studying atm. I just needed to rant.

midgies, they're out with a vengance in north wales, have lots of bites now. o, and ticks, in fact, any blood suckers.

anti-tamper seals on bottles and cartons.

Everytime I try to take them off I end up having to use my teeth!

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