Have you ever...: Ok , new game... - Asthma Community ...

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Have you ever...

39 Replies

Ok , new game ..

Here are the rules.

I ask a question for exapmle:

Have you ever cheated in a test?

then the next person should answer , then make up a new question...So:

Have you ever cheated in a test?

39 Replies
KateMoss profile image


Have you ever climbed Snowdon?

Haha, in my dreams maybe...

Have you ever gone out with odd socks on?

KateMoss profile image


Have you ever burped loudly in public?

depends what kinda test you mean. academic test no never cheated thou been cheated off grrr actually may have. spirometery test cheated and peak flow (dont ask how lol). hmm and cant really fink af any ova sorta test u cud cheat on.

next question........

Have you ever, gone to school/work/college on a bank holiday/training day/day off etc, when you were not ment to?

LOL u missed a question but lets carry on anyway,

I havent burped loudlyin a public place,

Andd i havent actually gone to school in the holidays but i did get dressed ready to go to school, to be stopped at the front door by my mum...

Have you ever gone to the shops/the chippy in your pyjamas?

definately to the shops yes and to school in the morn to drop kids off!!!walked around in bare feet outside your own home??/ im terrible i often pop to neighbors in bare feet!!!

hehe nope thou my mum did once she changed top half but not bottom half but u cudnt realli tell lol. my sister came to visit me in hosp ova day in her jim jams and dressing gown lol and she da nurse sed ohh r u staying u can if u want and she came runninng saying ohh the nurse sed im alowwed to stay. lol


have you ever, spilt water/drink on ur self while out so looks like u wet urself?

I've walked to the post box with nothing on my feet, fell up the kerb on the way back and grazed my toesies...won't be doing that again in a hurry...

Have you ever pretended not to be in to avoid somebody?


1st question, yes t the post box, trippedup the curb on the way back and grazed my toes...not gonna do that again in a hurry,

2nd, Yes a pair of jeans on the way to drayton manor in year 7, was majorly embarrased,

Have you ever pretended not to be in when somebody comes round to avoid them?

yep usually beggars not beinf mean but they get tons money from thr goverment and dey bring round lil kids in pushchairs to get pity. or dey prtentend dey r disabled use a crutch or sumink next dey u see em walkin up high street fine one wen den hoblling towrds u hands oustretched lol wudnt mind if dey didnt fake it. oh and sales ppl who wont leave u alone. and and anoyying mates or nosy neighbours sumtyms lol

have you ever,go to A+E wid sumink majorly stupid and embarrising e.g sumink stuck up ur bum or sumink?

Ayesha xxx

no LOL, thankfully not!!!

Have you ever fell asleep on a bus?

Oh yea! All the time. best one is falling asleep on skool buses and getting ure pic taken and put on bebo. worst moment ever.

Have u ever fallen out of bed in someone elses house?

yup lol was at stayin over at cuzins and i was slepping on the edge side of the double bed )cuzin likes wall onli lol) and i was having a dream i was falling off a cliff and i woke up on the floor lol.

have you ever, knocked over a shelf or rack of clothes or shelf pyramid off tins or sumink in a shop?

knocked over i mean lol not snacked

i knocked over the maneqin (SP), model thing, it was in the middle of the shop and i took a step backwards sort of fell back on to it and it went flying its head fell off and rolled away too hehe! im just an accident waiting to happen lol!

so have you ever ermmmm done somthing in public you regret????

Yep, I decided to go on the kiddies swings at the park and went really high before deciding I'd let go of the chain (forgetting this is a crucial part of staying on a swing) and ended up on the floor with a sore bum and wrist whilst everyone in the park got a good laugh at the 16 y/o who fell off the swing :P

Have you ever rushed up to say hi to a friend, only to find it's a stranger?

Yup, and even better still, teacher was mistaken friend. That was interesting the next day in skool.....

Have u ever done something silly in airport/airplane?

Done something silly in an plane? I am member of a very elite club :)

Have you ever got an address wrong and knocked on the wrong door and asked if so and so lives there only to be told they are 2 doors down?


Yesive knocked on the wrong door. When i was a child i went halloweening and a friend from school answered so i pretended i was at the wrong house

Next question Have you ever been out clubing or had a get together got a bit worse for wear and woke up the next day thinking oh my god i should not of done or said that?

KateMoss profile image

Gross warning!

Yes! A Beer Keller at University - 4 pints of Stella (60p a pint!) and I threw up spectaculary standing by the stage in front of everyone I knew! Friend took me home then 3 days later he asked me out!!! Very embarrasing. My class mates said the next day, they didn't know so much puke could come out of such a small person! Yeeeuuuuk!

Have you ever got on the wrong bus or train??

Yup, I was going to the doctors and got the 5a bus instead of the 3a. Ended up 4 miles away. ooooops!

Have you ever tried to kill a vending machine for jamming your chocolate?

The one's at my old school we're awful, and they were owned by an external company so we couldn't even get somebody to open it with a key , it was forever being bashed and kicked etc poor machine :-p

Have you ever shouted at a telesales person?

A telesales person got quite stroppy one day when I told her that I dont give out personal details to strangers over the phone and I,m afraid I lost it and several F words were attatched to the phrase ""disrespectful mardy cow!!""-I didnt feel good about it though,I never do on those sorts of encounters.

Ok,have you ever pondered that those donations you make to overseas aid agencies may save the life of a child who goes on to be the biggest mass murderer in history?.....they keep telling me to lighten up,whatever do they mean?

..well it does appear that even mass murderers have a right to life, in this country at least -as we just lock them up.

Going back to vending machines, I have kicked and banged them - and argued with apparent owners who usually say they are nothing to do with them.

But on the plus side there is one vending machine at Southend-On-Sea that took pity one me, after seeing me drop my 50p coin between the planks of the pier and into the sea and thereby go starving. The next time it gave me two bars of chocolate for one coin!

Have you ever driven all the way around the M25 in one day?


No dont drive!!!

Have you ever said hello or waved to someone only for it to be a complete stranger

alll the time, generally I pull my glasses off and go 'Sorry! can't see right!'

Have u ever gone to the shop for sometihng, and bought somthing else?

Regularly. Last time I went to buy school trousers only to comehome with a giant microbe toy :P

Have you ever fallen over and landed up on someone's lap?

yaf_user681_28534 profile image

Did that the other week while trying to get the two dogs off the bus while it turned a corner... landed on some old guy! Whoops!

Have you ever... been rescued? (other than ambo for asthma)

I got rescued when i was about 14 me and a freind where at the beach and when the tide went out we used to walk quite far out as there where these huge mountains of mud you could slide down and it was fun! anyway oneday i forgot to take my inhaler with me, we were walking back and i couldnt go no further as I coudnt breath my mate decided to leave me where I was and run back to the beach to get my inhaler we had walked quite far out and where about half a mile from the beach! what we didnt realise was that the tide was coming in too! so there i was unable to breath and i notice the tide slowly coming in! i must have been waiting for my friend to come back for bout half an hour she must have realised the tide was coming in and couldnt get back to me, by then the water was nearly up to my chest and i was also stuck in the mud! luckily the next thing I know theres a lifeguard whizzing up to me in a boat and he had come to save me! phew! There was an ambo waiting for me but after a neb and rest I was fine.

Have you ever fallen off your chair in public......??????

Oh yes, rather spectacularly during my wedding. I had a cathedral train and it was attached to my head very securely it was draped over the back of my chair and artistically around me on the floor for a photo. The page boy would not sit still so his father came to rescue him catching his foot in my train and pulling me head first off my chair. Ouch!

Have you ever bought something worn it once for a ""do"" and then taken it back for a refund?

I have not personally but know people who have I would be to scared to.

Have you ever trumped in a lift or in a room then looked around to blame someone else?

yaf_user681_30003 profile image

All right, then - yes. But there were four of us in the lift and we had all suddenly made it shudder to a halt with a tremendous bang and a huge cloud of dust. We had bounced the lift and it blew the fuse. We actually thought we had ended it all and were about to end up at the bottom of the lift shaft. I think it is probably fair to say that we ALL ""trumped"" at that moment! We worked as computer operators for a large bank and were on the way home after an evening shift. The row of taxis waiting for us outside stayed there and claimed the hour waiting time whilst we were wound down by the building caretaker. We had coffee and biscuits passed up to us through a gap in the doors whilst this was going on and the entire shift (8 of us in total) got paid overtime for the extra hour.

Have you ever tripped somebody up on purpose and seen them go tumbling down as a direct result?



Many a time. I have a younger brother lol.

Have you ever been singing at the top of your voice in what u thought was an empty house, only to have the windows open and the neighbours hearing everything you say/sing/scream?

Oh yes I have more than once .... ONCE ....When we had just moved to a new place in Edinburgh.... not just singing but dancing too when on turning round with eyes wide open this time .... a row of 5 of our new neighbours that had been sitting on the garden wall all started to cheer and clap !!!! ( throwing myself on the sofa to hide !) I was 15 at the time !!

Have you ever held / bluffed your way in a conversation with someone (who seems to know you well) and you REALLY do not have a clue who they are ?!!!

(or is it just something that happens to me?)



Have you ever got upset because of a job you want but you cant do it because of your asthma?

Yes when i had to stop being a care assistant after 15 years I was devestated

have you ever got on the wrong bus or given a taxi wrong directions due to not knowing left or right?


Never got on the wrong bus, but im not very good with left and right.

Have you ever done something you really really regret?

have u ever

have u ever tooked ur knickers in the back of ur skirt in a crouded room.? i have

At my parents wedding got bit worse for wear and ended up dress in knickers very emarrased

Have you ever told a lie only to regret it????????????

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