support : I have Asperger’s since 4 years... - Asperger's Support

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Alcorn24 profile image
2 Replies

I have Asperger’s since 4 years old and now I have not had no support or seen anyone in years doctors was meant to do me a referral and I’ve not received anything what can I do

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Alcorn24 profile image
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2 Replies
Clarrisa profile image

Hi Alcorn24, I am sorry to hear that your doctor has not gotten back with you. A follow up reminder letter might be harder for your doctor to put on the back-burner. In the meantime I can share my experience in hopes that it might offer you an idea to deal with your situation. When I was your age I had roommates, one of whom was in medical school. They were doing medical training rotations and were in contact with many healthcare providers. I was able to get two excellent referrals from them.

When I was younger other opportunities came my way but (have Aspergers too) I did not take advantage of them. Looking back on my life I regret not doing that, I was a bit closed minded. One was my supervisor asking me to join a evening adult orchestra she was in. A therapist told me about a good healthclub and after a move to a new area I dropped the ball on keeping up with group exercising. Someone took me to their church repeatedly and I dropped the ball on that after moving as well.

A good source of support for me over the years has been tutors. I hired one when I was working and could afford to. They helped me adjust to the demands of work. After retirement I located a volunteer tutor at the local library who has been very supportive.

When I was working I put a low priority on well balanced meals, too often skipping the dairy group. I am paying the price for that now with osteoporosis. A co-worker had given me many excellent recipes and I dropped the ball on that as well.

One boss told me I needed to be more assertive and she wanted me to take a class on assertiveness. I had to get up infront of this class and I developed Irritable Bowel Syndrome features for the first time that day. It may have been from the blueberry muffins they provided for all I know. In hindsight I think I signed up for too advanced a class to start out with.

If you are joining a occupation that has a speciality organization I recommend participating in that. Good luck to you. I hope someone else will join in here with more input for you on different ways to find support as you navigate your life.

Clarrisa profile image

I was hoping by now someone would have read my earlier reply, taken heart and responded with a better one! I hope your doctors have gotten back to you. If not do they have a Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant or the equivalent in the U.K. in their practice you could talk to about expediting this matter? The squeaky wheel gets the oil. Where there is a will there is a way.

In the States my Internist had sent in a referral for therapy and I never heard back. I ended up calling the location where I knew the referral had to have been sent. I did end up eventually receiving a telephone screening by them, and all they would offer at the time was a one time appointment for a drug evaluation (A decision likely dictated by my health insurance). However, I much later was contacted by them and offered group classes such as Mindfulness I could join.

I remember a instructor I had when younger like you. Her name was Marie and she was in her 40s. She was unexpectently diagnosed with an aggressive terminal cancer, and she said that she was not receiving any support from other faculty. She said she found her support from unexpected places like a gas station attendant, her butcher etc. I have found support in unexpected places too over the years. Hope to hear how things are going for you, and I am sure that there are others here who would too.

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