Hi I am new here, I am 55, have had diagnoses over 4 years of stress, PTSD, GAD, Panic Attacks, and now Anxiety State NOS. Recent Mirtazapine, just started Pregabalin, intermittent diazepam. Worked successfully most of my life but always felt different/challenged. Lots of hopes/interests/faith/trust but why is concentrating/focusing and achieving basic things without getting beyond-exhausted so difficult? Have just had to give up being main official carer for elderly parents. It's only a month ago I saw my first ever Psychiatrist, who immediately referred for specialist assessment for Aspergers. No idea of waiting list time: GP thought months rather than weeks or years. Feeling in limbo. Have read somewhere of others in 40s/50s only diagnosed after series of other possibly incorrect diagnoses/medications similar to mine. If anyone in this community recognises and has been through this stage - how did you cope with waiting to find out? Thank you.
In limbo while I wait for assessment fo... - Asperger's Support
In limbo while I wait for assessment for Aspergers, referred a month ago.

What you're going through is very normal. Don't worry because that only makes it worse. There is no rush to receive a label which will not define you. Be happy In the now.
Hello, my husband was diagnosed when he was older than you after a life-time of problems including two periods of time in a mental health hospital in the 'bad old days' when he was given 10 sessions of ECT for his serious compulsions as a young man. Finally asked the GP for a referral. He sent him to the local Psychiatrist so I called the GP and said 'no good, thanks'. I was working with people who have learning disabilities and a doctor of Psychology was passing through for 6 months. Asked GP to refer hubby to him. Initially he refused as he only saw people with LD but agreed to see him once when I put pressure on him. He saw him the once (I observed from a corner of the room) and I could immediately see how his mind worked differently when asked to complete certain tasks. The Dr saw him for 6 sessions and wrote a diagnosis of Asperger for him. Fantastic!
What part of the world do you live in? All the best. Keep in touch.
Hello, thank you for writing! I am in Bath. For almost 4 years now. But 15 years in South Devon before that... feels like my spiritual home there...
I have had to stop being officially the carer for my Mum of 92, my sister has stepped up massively a month ago, but she has her own business and would not be able to sustain both, so much is up in the air, waiting for community matron to contact me, after very helpful phone call 2 weeks ago from social worker, but now suddenly everything gone quiet... so this feels like a grace period for me but on borrowed time. to find out as much as I can but I don't want to feel an sense of urgency...
I hope your husband's diagnosis led to better things happening for you both?
All the best, keep in touch, thank you!
There aren't enough resources for childhood diagnoses let alone adult ones. My husband tried to be referred for diagnosis, but was told by his GP that they don't do that here. I think our local CAMHS now offers an adult service but I don't know how to get my husband referred. As for our children, it took 17 months from acceptance onto the waiting list until he was finally assessed. This doesn't count the extra 5 months from referral from the paediatrician and the year and a bit before that where he was put off by CAMHS and various other services. In total, from initial visit to GP to actual diagnosis it took about 3 years exactly (he was diagnosed just before his 11th birthday). My 8 year old daughter is also on the list but she has been having a lot of problems since she was 2. She has been on the waiting list since January 2016. These things take time unfortunately.
Hi good luck, waiting times are pretty bad. Am very impatient as well, so it been hard. Wishing you all the bestxx