Adult ASD: I think I could be on the... - Asperger's Support

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Adult ASD

TiaMariaKC profile image
4 Replies

I think I could be on the spectrum, but not sure. So many of the symptom lists are either geared toward infant/toddler development milestones or for adults, very vague. Can some people list specific symptoms they have seen or experienced as an adult? It would really help me. Also if there are any sites you know of that list specific adult symptoms, that would work too. Thanks!

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TiaMariaKC profile image
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myhealthneeds profile image

Hello. Varies a lot from person to person. Some people are very fixed on something, like maths or languages or music and tend to do it or talk about it all the time. Difficulty relating to other people or inappropriate in their relating to others or asking inappropriate questions. Some people cannot make eye contact or appear to do so but find it extremely difficult. Some find it difficult to walk into a crowded room or do not know what to do or what to say or how to respond. Perhaps rock to and fro or flap hands, or walk round and round or to and fro. May be unable to deal with finances or cannot dress appropriately for the weather or an event. May have a very high IQ but be unable to look after themselves. Or maybe a Manager who is not liked by his staff as he cannot relate but is very theoretical. Poor at conversation, not listening to the other person and their views/interests but expect the other person to listen to them unendingly! Many famous persons had Aspergers (a form of Autism). Look at the National Autistic Society Website. We have a Couples Group here for people on the Spectrum and their partners. Very useful and helpful. Are you single? married? living at home? All the very best.

DeadHeart profile image

As already said, adults with Asperger's are very diverse and it's hard to get all the points together in one person! My friend whom I only just realised has Asperger's has a lot of trouble trusting what people say. He thinks everything he says is the right thing and that other people are just plain wrong, when things are just a matter of opinion. This causes hassles even when you tell him it is just an opinion. He thinks that you are talking about him when people are talking about a characteristic or a health condition he has, eg. if I said "I wonder if people who are slightly hard of hearing also get very itchy inside their ears", he would shout "Shut up. I told you never to say anything about my health" and storm off! Also, he had unusual ways of showing that he was attracted to women and indicating they he wanted to go out with them: I have heard of or experienced the following: putting both his hands over theirs whenever they placed them on the table when having coffee, but with no expression on his face, or words; suddenly covering someone with kisses when they walked past him and no prior interest shown or pinning them down at a restaurant table and kissing them aggressively [that one earned a slap and angry departure]. He insists that housework be done in a certain order and gets very upset if someone gets it wrong; if you don't like something he owns or likes he accuses you of being completely negative and won't listen to you again, eg. if he likes a blue shirt and you like a green one, everything is off. People are only allowed to call his phone or send a text message at times of day when he says so, not at other times. You never know when that time is, of course. A lot of time he doesn't remember who said what to him or who he told things. He mixes up who now has knowledge of A or B. eg. He tells friend X that he is going to the football, then turns up at Friend Z's house, expecting Friend Z to know he's supposed to be going with them!

friendlylion profile image

There is also an AQ test - Autism Quotient (i.e. "How autistic are you?' - on the National Autistic Society website.

It might not be more than a bit of a conversation starter but as far as i was concerned I could tell what all the 'autistic' answers were but would have given them anyway and so got 100%.

If you do ever get assessed, they would be delighted if you had any info re your own childhood milestones confirmed by others.

Obviously not everyone can access that (all my relatives sadly dead when i had mine done), but if you can, it can be revealing.

I read something somewhere recently (sorry, not that helpful that, is it) which suggested that it's not really possible to say anyone is 'a bit autistic'; people either have 'the triad of impairments' of they don't.

But not sure about that myself as don't know if i always believe in the triad of impairments and many people are (consciously or unconsciously) capable of covering certain behaviours - especially as coping mechanisms.

I got a diagnosis. it probably fits. but i might have just convinced them i should have one!

trekster22 profile image

I was diagnosed in 1996, the symptoms I have include

1, appearing rude aggressive or patronising without realising

2, trying to actively seek out other aspies and pointing the possibility out to them

3, routines which are difficult to break

4, lack of eye contact

5, difficulties expressing pain or other needs although this is related to my PTSD

6, poor motor coordination especially with writing or attempting to walk (im a wheelchair user)

7, difficulties maintaining friendships because I don't know how often to see or speak with someone

8, trying to discover all I can about Aspergers including getting my BPhil in Autism a few years ago

9, running a social group in a town ive lived in for other aspies

10, difficulties judging time

11, panicking when things are suddenly changed especially if they involve time, silence or other peoples needs/feelings

12, difficulties sleeping, deciding what to eat, knowing I need the toilet, organising my time, managing my chronic pain disabilities and seeking help

13, being unable to tell someone whats wrong unless they ask even if their job is to help me with my problems.

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