I am waiting for a hip replacement and my Specialist told me that the pain down my thigh was Bursitis. I have just had a PRP injection into my tendons and after 1 week I am experiencing excruciating pain down my upper thigh, especially in bed at night. Much worse than before the jab.Has anyone else had a similar experience please.?
PRP injection in hip.: I am waiting for a... - Arthritis Action
PRP injection in hip.
I have PRP injections once a year into my knee. They tend to be really painful for a couple of weeks or so afterwards. I was not aware that PRP injections were really used for hips. I thought steroids were more popular. The trouble is you can’t have a hip replacement within six months (?) of having a steroid injection I believe.
Report this to your doctor. I was just doing some reading and people can experience worsening of symptoms. This treatment does not work for everyone.
I guess I had bursitis for a long time. Years. Seemed to fit to a T the symptoms described on line (although I don't remember it causing pain in the thigh). I never complained to a doctor because I always had other issues that seemed more important. However a couple of months ago I discovered an exercise called the clamshell and within in a very short time of starting to do this exercise my hip pain diminished and now I sometimes have to stop and think about which hip was the problem because all pain has gone. I had to start the exercise very cautiously and not too many repetitions, unable to hold position long, etc, but this rapidly improved. There are other exercises on this website which I can't vouch for as I haven't tried them. And I understand the clamshell is sometimes controversial, so read up on it before trying. Good luck!
Thank you for your reply.
Are you feeling any better today?
So good of you to ask. Not really, I'm still getting the pain in bed at night. From the lower side of my buttock down and across my thigh almost to my knee. It is sharp and feels rather like a cramp. Intermittently. Odd and very painful. Sorry I have wittered on. It's fairly ok during the day just the usual pain from the hip. Hope you are doing ok.
That sounds more like sciatica than bursitis, actually. It's caused by a nerve being irritated/compressed in some way. I get a lot of pain in my shoulder, often worse at night when I lie down, and it seems to be related to a nerve in my very arthritic neck being compressed. Physio and exercises help, but I can totally empathise with your nighttime pain. Chronic pain can be awfully tiring. I have a ridiculous arrangement of pillows to try to alleviate the issue at night. Lends new meaning to the expression "make the bed"!