any information about this condition and or treatment would be appreciated.
Pseudogout: any information about this... - Arthritis Action
Unfortunately there is no cure todate. Pseudogout is not gout so eleminating certain foods from your diet will not help. Basically pseudogout is excessive calcium crystals formed in your joint(s) that can swell and feel like a gout attack.
Every morning my knee hurts so soon as I get up and walk around a bit the pain eases up, same thing if I sit for too long I need to get moving. Exercising and a couple glasses of wine each night help. Good luck.
Recommend you read through the attached website and contact your medical adviser on taking some K2 vitamin supplement for your pseudogout. There's no cure but this might help, I just came across this information today and will be taking K2 starting tonight. Hope it works because pseuodgout is a pain in Le Butt (arse). Good luck.