Addiction concerns: I've just visited my gp... - Arthritis Action

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Addiction concerns

5 Replies

I've just visited my gp and been given another 2 weeks worth of morphine sulphate 10mg tablets. 2 a day to be taken. I'm a bit worried about the addiction side of this? People are telling me different things? Some say I will become addicted? Some say it's fine under gp supervision! Some say i should taper down the dose? There is not much info on the web apart from becoming addicted to extremely high doses? My gp assured me that what she prescribed is fine as it is under her supervision!? Im not sure what i should do? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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5 Replies
Frankie24 profile image

I think any opiod/pain medication has the potetial for addiction. I have even managed to become addicted to NSAIDS and then found out I had kidney disease but did not want to stop taking them because they relieved my pain. I had to though because I was damaging my kidneys further. I think the best thing to remember is that you must stay in control of managing your medication appropriately and not abusing them. If you feel that you cannot do this You must let your Dr. know.

jackie4ball profile image

I have been on opiate pain relief for over 15 years now and yes I know I am addicted to it I am supposed to take 50mg morning and evening and oromorph if the pain breaks through. However I did lower my dose to 30 twice a day as have just had hand surgery and didn’t want to have to increase meds. I look at it now if it is helping the pain then it is worth it. I don’t abuse it I refuse to up it any higher unless the pain became unmanageable I have tried so many other pills that don’t do anything so surely it’s better to take something that works than it is to suffer or to take something that does nothing. It’s not like we are injecting with heroin to get a fix I get no highs from what I take. The dr prescribes it. There are the odd nights that I still cry from the pain if I have done too much. The consultants refuse to give me knee replacements as I am still getting the “you’re too young” ironically when I was with my ex husband we had BUPA and I had right knee replacement within 2 weeks of being seen but back on NHS nothing. I do have to wonder how much my medication cost s the NHS over the tears compared to what it would cost to have my knees done!!! Unfortunately it all comes down to funding and postcode lottery.

I hope you find something to help your pain take care


in reply to jackie4ball

hi jackie

im so lucky that i have a fantastic gp who actually listens to how i feel. she is very open minded and totally up for trying any thing to help with my pain as long as it is safe and supervised by her. i have been gradually cutting down my morphine from 20mg to now 5 and have been lucky that i have had no ill effects. i take 3 gavapentin a day and i have been told today to take co codimol along with them instead of the morphine. i already know that i am ok on co codimol as have taken them for a long time. her plan is to increase the gavapentin in 2 weeks time. perhaps you could discuss this pain killer with your gp? it acts as a nerve blocker and once it is in your system it is very good. i have just been diagnosed with a herniated disc in my back and since i have taken gavapentin the pain is down to a dull ache as opposed to chronic where i couldnt stand up straight or walk more than a few feet!!!!! any thing is worth i try and you can only ask? good luck.

jackie4ball profile image
jackie4ball in reply to

Hi Doora,

Thank you, I have tried both Gabapentin and Pregabalin and neither touched my pain at all and I did out weight on especially with the Gabapentin I have seen so many people on here that one drug works for them but doesn’t for others I guess it shows we are all made up differently. I am pleased it is helping you as there is nothing worse than being in this constant pain. My pain is through the roof at the moment but it’s to be expect as I only had my surgery last Thursday. I have had to increase my medication but once it settled a big I will reduce it down again. I do remember seeing an old GP I had and asked how m if I could try a new drug that was out but he gave me the 4 times a day dose instead of the slow release and when I questioned him as to whether I would have withdrawals he looked at he and asked if I thought I was addicted to the medication I was in which to me seemed like a silly question as I had been taking the pills for over 10 years of course I’m addicted my body is used to them it’s even possible to become addicted to paracetamol if you take them everyday over a long period. His question just Never made sense and if he had tried me on slow release of the new ones I may have been ok but as he didn’t I couldn’t take them because I had to stay on what I was on as withdrawals kicked in straight away and it’s not at all nice.

I hope you continue to be able to manage your pain it’s akeays nice to hear when people have good GPs who will listen I have quite a nice one at the moment but I find it very difficult to go as I feel i am wasting there time and the thought of getting there etc just sends me into a panic so I end up cancelling the appointment so someone else can go.

Take care


in reply to jackie4ball

Hi again Jackie

Its always difficult when you are in acute pain. I had a hip replacement 5 years ago and was on morphine sulphate and then co codimol.

As for the gavapentin I was really reluctant to go on them because of the weight gain issue!! I spoke to my gp about this as I'm already a curvy lady!!! She explained it wasn't the tablet itself that made you gain weight it was the fact that it made you feel hungry by increasing your appetite!? So far I've been the opposite !? She said that if you were going to gain weight you would do so in the first 4 weeks? Maybe im lucky? Hope so as im already on a healthy eating plan so dont want to put on weight. I really hope you get sonething for your pain soon. Take care.

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