Hi everyone. I've just been diagnosed with gout four days ago.
I've been having a weeks holiday from work this week and on the Monday I woke up with the classic gout symptoms but didn't know what it was at the time, just thought I'd twisted or hurt my big toe on my right foot. I carried on as normal, ate, drank beer etc. then on the Tuesday it was worse so I thought I'll phone the doctors in the morning and tell them I'm in pain, could I make an appointment. Continued eating and drinking beer as normal that day as well.
Phoned the doctors in the morning expecting to be given an appointment for next week but they said come in this morning which was great.
I saw the nurse who said she suspected gout, got a second opinion from a doctor and given a prescription for Ibuprofen 400mg 3 times a day. I asked how long before it gets better and the doctor said 3 to 4 days and that was that. No information on diet or why it has happened, I've found all of that out myself on line which is a minefield of information and misinformation.
Why are we not given gout and diet advice or a leaflet, web link etc. with the information on???
I'm good at cooking so I'm hoping to come up with and post some gout friendly recipes in future. When I can find sources of reliable information!