During the last 5-years my GP (board certified Internal Medicine physician) and Cardiologists (three - all board certified and in same practice) have told me I have Congestive Heart Failure. None of them have been able to tell me what test results or examination results lead to that diagnosis.
I am 77-years old and in relatively good health other than metastatic prostate cancer and well controlled hypertension (130/75 on 12.5 mg Metoprolol). I have been a very serious runner and bicycle rider my entire life. I have never smoked, drink very little alcohol, and eat no red meat and very little processed food.
I engage in strenuous physical activity for at least 90-minutes per session five times a week. My heart rate averages over 110 during the exercise and I can comfortably keep the HR at 130 for many minutes at a time. I never have a shortness of breath, chest or arm pains, or any sense of discomfort. My HR drops to 70 within 2-minutes of sitting down. My resting HR, just prior to getting out of bed is 50 - 52 bpm.
I have had many nuclear stress tests and echo cardiograms during the last 20-years. My ejection fraction is 62% to 65% in every test.
My lipids are all in the low normal range and have not varied 5% during the last 30-years. The most recent cardiology exam resulted in a diagnosis of hyperlipidemia but my most recent lipid panel shows: Triglyceride mg/dL was 78, HDL 55, LDL 45, total cholesterol 116.
My PRO BNP blood test was 28 in 2014 and 98 in 2020.
The only thing the cardiologist mentions as indicative of Congestive Heart Failure is Coronary Hypertrophy and an enlarged aorta. I reminded her this is a long term indicator first noted over 25-years ago. In 1999 an echocardiogram noted: Aortic root diameter of 4.0 cm. The LA diameter was 4.1 cm, LVIDd was 4.7 cm and LVIDs 3.1 cm.
Three more recent cardiograms, in 2014, 2020 and 2024 reported the exact same measurements.
I have none of the Congestive Heart Failure symptoms shown on various web sites. Is there some other objective test I can request?
What impact would Congestive Heart Failure have on my life with the test results I describe and the total lack of symptoms?