Did anyone have? What meds were you on
Foetal abnormality : Did anyone have... - Action on Postpar...
Foetal abnormality

Hi Pumpkins
I only went on meds after the birth as I didnt have any issues before the birth. If i was to have another baby I d have to come of Lithium. I know its not a black or white situation and your psychiatrist would have to outweigh the pros n cons kf being on meds during the pregnancy. I would def do research and speak to uour GP as well. X
I came off lithium three times . No issue during pregnancy . The last two times it was well planned. Epidural helped a lot. I tuk lithium last few weeks in the last preg. It safe after 26 weeks. Most meds they try avoid first trimester
How did the midwife treat you? Did they refer you to cmht
I hve bipolar history so already with cmht. They were all nice. Had a perinatal consultant. This v imp to see someone from perinatal . I at one stsge thought it unnecessary. They do medication plan, certain things for birth plan. Midwife will work in conjunction. Epidural was plsnned for me so imp tk reduce stress / pain. Rest after birth. I tuk quetiapine to help relax
did you get to look after the baby yourself, did you get to enjoy
Yes i looked after baby. Good as no relapse last two times. But hubby looked after at night every night for few weeks. Baby was bottle fed. He helped a lot after this stage too.
How long were in hospital did you get rest there
About 5 to 6 days after delivering. To re start medication. Yes rested. Home v noisy. Other kids. Midwives helped at night with baby
We're you in side room or main ward?
Side room last two times. This is v imp as its more quiet. Request this. In main ward it v difficult with all babies waking and visitors. If you had ppp before or have bipolar or any other high risk they shud offer this if available. If not perhaps go home bit earlier if more peaceful there. This general advise for all. The time i got ppp i was in mixed ward and this partly why maybe
I took asenapine in both pregnancy’s all the way through small just 5mg and had no abnormalities