What was this like?
Maternity Care : What was this like? - Action on Postpar...
Maternity Care
Hi Pumpkins,
I knew I was at risk of having PPP and my doctor was really good as she knew I had a history of psychotic episodes. I was referred to a perinatal psychiatrist. Have you been referred to one at all? I know being able to see one can be difficult.
I think the thing I found most helpful was talking to the midwives and being very very open about my situation. The perinatal psychiatrist had highlighted to tell the midwives to, if possible, give me a separate room as I was at risk of having PPP. I wonder if you could speak to your midwife about what might help you? Perhaps you could talk through your needs and any concerns you have. You could perhaps do this with both your GP and midwife.
Is this the sort of thing you had in mind when asking about maternity care? I found being very open about my needs and medical history to be helpful.
Sending you very best wishes and I hope you are able to talk to your medical practitioners and access helpful support
Jen X
So freighted of services bad experience desperate for a baby