Have had two types of treatments .... 2 Bilateral Sacroiliac Joint injections, and Radio Frequency Abalation of the Sacroiliac joint area (27 Aug). Believe that I now have Neuropathy -- (both) autonomic and peripheral. Am sure that I'll be learning more soon regarding this possibility from my Pain Management Doctor, who did the above treatments to me.
Am taking an opiate, using TENS, and applying Capsaicin patches for relief of the pain that I still have. From a website yesterday I learned the internal healing of a RFA treatment such as I have had requires about three months to heal.
Would like to hear of any others who have had RFA in the lumbar/sacral area of the lower back. I am not familiar with anyone else who's had the 'pleasure' of going through this TRAMA, so I'm looking forward to hearing from others.