Anyone get preeclampsia first pregnancy and then again second pregnancy? I’m on my second and nervous about getting it again! Any tips on how to prevent it from happening?
preeclampsia second pregnancy? - Action on Pre-ecl...
preeclampsia second pregnancy?

Our daughter had preeclampsia with her first son, she was induced at 36 weeks because of it and has so much anxiety during her pregnancy. So I did a lot of research and suggested she take 75mg of aspirin every night with her dinner when she started trying for baby number 2. At her 12 week prenatal appointment the midwives told her she was doing the right thing and said that they were going to tell her to do so. Happily she didn't get any symptom of it at all during the whole of her pregnancy!
She's now 15 weeks pregnant with baby number 3 and taking 150mg of aspirin as she's heavier than she was the first two times lol, so far so good 🤞🏼
Incidentally my mother lost a baby during the 50's because of it and also had it with me in 1960, they kept her bed ridden in hospital for the last 3 months of her pregnancy and they insisted she had a caesarean, the aspirin link wasn't known back then. I had 4 children with no problems at all so I think it skipped a generation. Our daughter is exactly like my mother in every way, looks, temperament and body type, genetics is a funny old thing.
Good luck, hopefully this will help xx