Hi , My name is Rawan, 28 years old. My story resembles many of the stories of PIF. I was diagnosed with placental abruption at the day of my delivery. I was rushed to the hospital with no contractions or vaginal bleeding. the doctor did a pv. and said I was 2 cm dilated. when the doctor started screening on the ultra sound I felt something was wrong I was deep inside sure something was wrong with my baby. Finally an OB approached me and said that there was no fetal heart beat and that my baby died few hours ago and that there isn't a specific reasons why abruption happens at this stage of pregnancy. I was given an induction medication. the pain was un bearable but I was standing strong. my tests before the delivery were really bad my bp was 150/100, two albumin ++, help syndrome positive , elevated heart beats. Right after I delivered baby Amin (boy) I started bleeding heavily the doctors tried to save my life ( I bled for continuous 5 hours) during the era all I thought about was baby and how beautiful and peaceful he looked..
deep inside I believe that God has an aspect for what happen and I my faithful and thankful. All I hope for is another pregnancy. Its been four months now. I remember him 10,000 times a day
How soon can I get pregnant? I've had two periods since birth although I was lately diagnosed with a PCO'sh ovary!! please help me with an answer if anyone has experienced anything like that..
i'm also thinking of taking clomid if I turn negative this month