hi was wondering if anyone has gone on to have a third baby after having preeclampsia twice? my first was born at 27 weeks & my second at 31 weeks & we think w would like just want more? many thanks
having a third baby after preeclampsi... - Action on Pre-ecl...
having a third baby after preeclampsia twice?

I am 33 yrs old and unexpectedly we are expecting our 4th (5.5 weeks). I had hypertension preeclampsia with first 3 but occurred late term in which I was induced with all 3; the last two were only two weeks early and 6 lbs thank God. My first baby who is now 9 was the worst due to doctors not inducing early and then everything started spinning downhill fast but only needed to stay 1 week in hosital with several days of magnesium (very sick stuff).
Dont have advice but hope this helped give you some hope knowing that things could work out with early care/interventions.

Hi Antonia, If you could email APEC on info@apec.org.uk I can find some advice for you.
Also, it may be worth posting on our Facebook page if it is other women you wish to talk to. Look forward to hearing from you, Ann Marie at APEC.