My son was delivered at 38 weeks as I had developed HELLP syndrome and was quite unwell. He was thankfully fine, if a little small but I found the whole experience very difficult to come to terms with. I am frightened of it happening again. I would love to head of anyone's experience - positive or negative - in a second pregnancy. Thank you.
Has anyone developed HELLP/PE in seco... - Action on Pre-ecl...
Has anyone developed HELLP/PE in second pregnancy? I am 15 weeks and terrified of it happening again. What is the likelihood?
I had Hellp syndrome in my last pregnancy. Very ill and with not good results. I was sterilised afterwards that was when I was 23, not much was known about the problem then, now 55 I would if it were me, look at the Hughes syndrome web site on Healthunlocked
Several people have had successful pregnancies with the use of Asprin and heparin, this was on women who had previous blood clot not so sure with Hellp syndrome but its worth a look,
Not sure where you live but there is I think a centre in London for problem pregnancies.
You could ask to be referred their. If there is still a risk personally I wouldn't do it.
My one and only son before I had Hellp was born at 31 weeks 1lb 14 0z
867 gms, I am really thankful I have been here for him. I am now a grandmother which is absolutely fantastic
Good luck, I really feel for you, hope you get some helpful answers
Thanks for your reply Daisy. I'm really sorry to hear of your experience but lovely that you are a grandmother. I had to inject daily with Clexane for six weeks after my son's birth but that was because of a problem with my lymphatic system and had been decided by my consultant right at the start of my pregnancy. Thankfully I didn't have Hughes Syndrome. I am seeing my consultant in a week so hopefully will get some answers then. I'm in the Scottish Borders so we don't have much access here to really expert/specialist services. Thanks again.
After my first was born at 33wks1 day with severe PE, I went for an appointment with my consultant to discuss the risks of persuing another pregnancy 3 years later, as I wished not to go through the same thing again. I was told that I hd an 85% risk of it not happening again and if so it should be less severe. Weighing up the odds we decided to try again. I was unlucky it did happen again and much worse. So much for statisitcs! My daughter was born at 32 weeks 6 days weighing only 2lb 8oz. However we have been lucky and although a rocky start for both children, they are now healthy 7 and 4 year olds with no long term problems. My advice to you is to do what you feel best. No advice is going to predict what is going to happen.I know that the second time, I instantly could recognise the subtle symptoms of PE and was proactive in getting it dealt with. Life is a lottery!
Hi, I had severe pre-eclampsia in 2011 and my son was delivered at 34 weeks. I made use of APEC's expert referral scheme and saw a specialist who was really helpful in talking through all the risks of getting pregnant again.
I was told the risk of getting it again is between 1 in 3 and 1 in 5 but you can reduce the risk slightly by taking a daily dose of aspirin. As benburger said, the chances are that if you do get it again it would be less severe although obviously it doesn't always happen that way...
If you aren't already taking aspirin I would go back to your GP / consultant and ask them about it.
Good luck.