Will you be attending next Tuesday's ... - Anxiety and Depre...
Will you be attending next Tuesday's LIVE Ask the Experts Event? What questions would you like to ask? Please respond in the comments.
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I'm not sure how to attend this Live event. I would like to attend though.
Turns out I have Lyme disease. May be the cause of my ramped up anxiety and depression, among other things. Will see how I feel.
If I lived in the UK I would be there. I do have a question. What is the predominant trait that people with depression and anxiety have in common ? Thank you, Sweetiepye
What topic/topics will this event be covering?
Will these docs be discussing the role that "natural factors" (bad gut health/enteropathy, nutrient deficiencies, environmental/food pollution, etc.) play in triggering anxiety & panic?
Questions I would like answered.
As a spouse of a person who is in the middle of a depressive episode that started 6 months ago, how do I keep myself healthy? I am feeling very lonely and invisible.
There is no natural need for him to want to connect with me on any level at all. Is this normal?

Great question! Thanks
I responded
i would like to ask why Anhedonia is still considered a mere symptom of major depression disorder and not a syndrome in itself. I would also be interested in learning what other medication helps there are for pts already taking anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications that still do not address the issue of anhedonia.
another question I would like answers to is why stimulants are not widely considered for treatment of fatigue or low energy in pts with major depression disorder.
I find it amazing that are still so many psychiatrists out there who care more about maintaining themselves than actually listening to and helping their patients many of whom are equally or even more brilliant individuals who are stuck in a place that they need help from these same medical professionals to experience the maximum in their own lives.
how can the science of psychology and psychiatry move forward if patients are not effectively engaged in the finding of best treatment for their own situations. Psychiatrists readily admit that no two patients are the same yet the way some of them approach treatment is as if every case is the same. Why the contradiction?

Thank you for submitting these questions. We look forward to your participation!
Would like to know if I should see a physiologist instead of physicitrist? I don't really understand the difference.
I'm on 3 different medications for anxiety and depression Im also told I have a mood disorder should I be on all of these at one time? My medications are zoloft 50mg,buspar 5mg, geodon 80mg.
How can I help bipolar people?
I really want to attend, but I'm not sure just yet. I have two questions: first, what are the major differences between ADHD that's causing self-esteem problems and is hard to cope with, vs. actual depression? Second, is it possible to have depression even though there are things in life that you still truly live for and you like doing, but you still feel little to no motivation to get out and do anything?
I would like to know what are the best supplements, vitamins, minerals, etc. one should take if feeling depressed and anxious? What do you recommend everyone should be taking?
How does Sam-e compare to Prozac? Should you take them at the same time? I have been on prozac for years but my doctor recommended I try Sam-e. The pharmacist said you should NOT take them together. What is your opinion on these two and their use in depression?
I will be working during the live event. I have so many questions that I'd like to ask regarding major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorders. Since I can't be present during the event will there be any upcoming events that can offer some answers?
Thank you for your question. We haven't scheduled any additional live events as of yet, but we will be posting all answers from tomorrow's event here on the community. Feel free to forward any questions you might like to address by this afternoon and we'll try to have them answered tomorrow. Thank you!
I would like to know how to get rid of these scary intrusive thoughts. I take sertraline but that doesn't help. I have also had other antidepressants and counselling and cbt but nothing has helped.

Thank your for sharing this question. I will forward this to our event hosts.
I have depression and trauma and am going to counseling as well as taking medication. But for a month now, I have been experiencing several mental crashes every day. Whenever I do anything from talking to people including talking to my counsel or doing everyday tasks, my body crashes.
I am wondering why this is occurring.
I would like to know what is being done for treatment resistant depression. ECT, TMS, all meds have been tried. I was hoping deep brain stimulation would help but my psychiatrist told me the results were iffy. I don't understand why the classification of TRD is for those that have only tried a few meds. This is a slap in the face to those of us who have tried everything out there over a 30 year span. Why is this categorized this way?!
What type of jobs would you recommend for someone who has depression, anxiety, bipolar and borderline personality disorders?
I have back problems, I found while walking at a job helps with this and I also need to lose weight, so would like the walking for that as well.
I have also realized while helping to take care of my grandma, that I need to correct my posture.
I was never loved by family now I'm facing emotional hunger how can I kill that? I feel shame beacause i just can't comunicate with people my voice gets distorted and slow how can i help myself with that?I want to help my mother with depression but she doesn't want take any medicine what should I do?

Will you be sending out notifications like when we receive notification when someone has commented on our posts? That would increase the viewership.
About anxiety
All about anxiety and why it happens, and how can I beat it.
Just regularly hearing that someone who has been through it cares. It feels like the government is just waiting for all the suffering people to die off.
Whats the time