What is your top reason for joining t... - Anxiety and Depre...
What is your top reason for joining this group?
Please select one:
I felt like I had no where else to go. I don't have anyone to turn to and was/am too embarrassed and ashamed to get help in person.
My vote was OTHER. I have PD, both anxiety and depression are associated with PD.
It makes a positive difference in my life. I wish I had known about peer groups 27 years ago when I started getting help for depression and anxiety.
My answer was "Other". Because I will occasionally remind forum users that they MUST be sure their endocrine systems are functioning well, and they don't have nutritional deficiencies, before taking BigPharma drugs that have side effects like addiction and death.
Hi Eddie83:
What do you mean about making sure the Endocrine System is okay in regards to severe Depression and very severe Anxiety every minute of the day?
Thank you, JosephCV

One of the determinants of mental health, is proper function of your adrenal and thyroid glands. It is unfortunate that many docs automatically give their patients drugs like ADs and benzos, without checking what the endocrine system is doing. For instance:
This is complicated by the fact that the average doc does not know what the correct methods are, to evaluate endocrine function. Unfortunately I had to learn this from long-term personal experience.
You realize that is only one minor part of it, right? I used to be physically "healthy", and still very depressed. Yes, I feel worse now that I don't eat daily, but it makes me feel SO MUCH worse when people think their one idea is the Be all, End all treatment.
I overreact a lot, I know, so bear with me if I sound like a B... Every 'normal' person who has told me my depression and anxiety were excuses for being lazy, or it's just my imagination and I need to get over it have me on constant defense, and it sounds like you're saying if I ate better I'd BE beyter... 😔
No, I did not say that. What you eat is not the be-all and end-all. How do you know you were physically healthy? Are you saying you felt healthy; or are you saying you had a Comprehensive Metabolic Panel, tests of all your hormones, etc. that showed excellent health in a biochemical sense?
I'm saying there was a time when my body was physically healthy according to the doctor I regularly saw.
Nobody runs all those tests on a healthy person with a healthy weight and no symptoms of anything (except sinusitis once).
Thanks for your...opinion, I apologize in advance, but people like you are the reason I have nobody to talk to.
Maybe this place isn't for me either. 😔
I can understand that. When I was in deep depression, not sleeping, etc. I didn't talk to *anyone*. Couldn't do a lot of things, including social relationships.
I appreciate you trying to understand. Let me be blunt, please, and say I'm NOT here for advice, I just wanted to know someone else felt like me. I hear all that crap from everyone around me all the time, like it's my fault, and I purposely set out to try to feel like I'm in Hell.
So thank you for your advice on my health, but I'd rather hear YOUR story.
I am newly joined in this site.
I tried telling my parents I was depressed. My dad turned the conversation into something about him. I felt like I needed to tell someone, anyone. I definitely need the support.

Ouch. I hate when people do that. Makes me want to scream.
Are you in school or something where you might have an alternative choice of authority figure?
For support and understanding from others who know what the daily struggle is like
It makes me feel less alone because even the doctors that treat us can’t fully comprehend it. Most have only studied it but haven’t actually experienced it. It helps me identify my own behaviors and thoughts resulting in opening the gates to pinpoint possible solutions.
Other: I'm tired of Google being the only one I could talk to. Friends leech my energy and judge everything, so this seemed like a place I could express my thoughts without worrying about judgement.
I suffer from OCD and anxety attacks.
Talk to others with the same diagnosis in hopes of feeling less isolated.
I cant find treatment options that are affordable, I'm here hoping others know. I've gotten a lot of encouragement, but no resources yet.
I came after being in care and abused my first born being killed my mum dying then my second baby dying before birth then my dad dying friends other family dying being brutally attacked to near death.lots brought me here ie got a lot to learn and a lot to give and have done over the years ive been here.life cought up with me and its been a case of sink or swim ever since.