I'd like to ask if anyone has had a similar experience with their coagulation clinic and if so what they did about it.
The team managing my dosage and blood draws seem driven to push my draws further apart at almost any cost.
My INR at my last 4 draws were in range but on a clear downward trend yet the clinic continue to push my draws further apart and without making any adjustments to my warfarin dosage.
28th July 3.0
20th Aug 2.6
14st Sep 2.2
15 Oct 2.0
16 Dec 1.8
Told to keep the dosage the same and return in 1 months time!
Surely they should either increase my dosage or ask me to come back in a week to make sure I don't go dangerously low?
I know that they are keen to reduce the number of blood draws but I feel this is putting us in danger. Each time I suggest they check me sooner or amend the dosage I get a cynical and arrogant response.