Nobody seems to mention pradaxa why would this be is it not efficient or causes problems I have been on this because of a f for a long time few bouts of indigestion but no other problems believe also there is an antidote
PRADAXA: Nobody seems to mention... - Anticoagulation S...

Perhaps because not prescribed often less popular. Large tablets, twice a day regime and mainly renally excreted so not good for those with any renal impairment.
Hi. I take it. I found it caused far fewer side effects than all the alternatives (and I worked my way through them all!). It does cause gastric problems in a number of people because the capsules are very acid. The capsules dissolve very quickly so I take mine with loads of water to make sure it actually gets into the stomach before the acid burst! And I find it helps taking it with food. NICE recommendations are regular blood checks to check renal and liver function. I think it might be more expensive because of the moisture resistant packaging.
I had a DVT IN 2016 & took this without any issues & after 6 months came off anticoagulants altogether. Roll on to December 2019 I suffered a pulmonary embolism & I was persuaded to take Rivaroxaban ( Xarelto).This was only one small tablet so I agreed. Shortly after I suffered horrendous side effects and ended up back in A&E. I am currently having daily Tinzaparin injections but as I expect to now be on anticoagulants for the rest of my life & don't fancy feeling like a human dartboard I will be asking to be prescribed Pradaxa when I see my consultant in early February.
I've had three previous DVTs I have factor 5 Leiden blood clotting abnormality.
After my third DVT I'm now on rivoxaban for life I've been on it 4 years now I've had no problems at all.
I'm going on a long haul flight in September I will always be wary of a DVT even on blood thinners.
As it's still possible to get another clot whilst on blood thinners.
I always wear flight socks and drink plenty of water.
We've booked premium seats so I can get up and move about x
I went to Oz after my DVT. In 2015 & wore flight socks , exercised as much as possible & drank lots of water & was fine so hopefully you will be too. The Rivaroxaban wasn't for me caused indigestion , insomnia , horrendous pins & needles ( felt like hat pins being stuck into me ) but worst of all I felt dizzy & came close to passing out. A definite no from me but pleased that it works for you. Enjoy your holiday !
I've been on Pradaxa for some time without problems. I can't take Rivaroxaban because I've had pulmonary toxicity and, I can't take Apixaban because I don't appear to tolerate it. I always take mine with food. I have regular creatine level checks.
The reversing agent for Pradaxa is Praxbind. I have to declare an interest. I did a short video about my stroke before I took Pradaxa; that video was circulated to clinicians in the UK and USA.
I've been on Pradaxa for some years as I don't tolerate Apixaban and, I cannot take Rivaroxaban because I've had pulmonary toxicity. I'm aware that Praxbind can control a bleed, but I don't know if the local hospital stocks it.
Possible conflict of interest: I have appeared in a short video about Pradaxa, that was circulated to clinicians inthe UK and USA.