Anyone else with a mechanical heart valve struggle with erratic INR?
Or have sensitivity or resistance to warfarin?
Anyone else with a mechanical heart valve struggle with erratic INR?
Or have sensitivity or resistance to warfarin?
I have a mechanical mitral valve inserted in 1997 and everything was reasonably good until my left kidney was removed in 2017 as it was cancerous. Since then my INR has stayed lower than my stated range of 2.5 to 3.5. I attend my anticoagulant clinic almost every week where they tweak my dosage. It seems to me that they could investigate with the Renal clinic if my CKD causes the variation in my INR but I get no response when I ask. My GP has no advice either. Unfortunately, those if ux with mechanics. Valvescannot changefrom Warfarin. I have never had a problem with INR until my kidney removal.
My INR and hence my dose is normally stable. What does throw it off is definitely diet. If I go on holiday and don't get the same (large amount) of veggies and green stuff as at home, my INR shoots up.
I'm no expert and everyone's metabolism is obviously different, but having a consistent diet is important when you're on warfarin. Don't pay much attention to people who say "you can't eat this or that whilst on warfarin" eat what you want but do it consistently - adjust the dose to suit.
Don't diet the dose, dose the diet...
Not noticed any sensitivity - good thing as I'm not aware of any alternative anticoagulants approved for a Mitral Valve replacement. Not sure what you mean by "resistance".