When self testing for INR should one always wash ones hands or is it OK to use a medi swab?
Skin cleansing when checking INR - Anticoagulation S...
Skin cleansing when checking INR
I've just received my Coaguchek self-testing training (via my local anticoag clinic nurse), no mention of a medi-swab - simply soap and warmish water. Your clinic is probably the best place to ask your question though there maybe someone on the forum who feels qualified to reply. Cheers TC
I use, and have done for 5 years now, soap and warm water. Never been told to do anything else. No problems.
Thanks for your response. I always understood that Roche Diagnostics advocate cleaning the hands and fingers by washing in warm water and soap.
Using skin cleansers such as a solvent can give an inaccurate reading.
Just started self-testing and asked about this, apparently soap/water is fine. I find it hard to pierce the skin enough if I don't soften it up a bit first.
Just to iterate what other comments are. I believe washing hands/clean hands is sufficient. I have never been advised any different from my Coagulation clinic nurses.
I have been self testing for 6 years. Never been a problem. Highly recommend it to any one thinking about self testing