I am aged 50 I have had hart attack 2 years ago and few months ago had PE on my lung
I am on warfarin is it ok to carry o... - Anticoagulation S...
I am on warfarin is it ok to carry on with Jujitsu.

There is no reason why the Warfarin should stop you. You can expect to bruise a little more than before you started anticoagulation and if you get a split lip or a bloody nose it may take a little longer to stop bleeding but those are not life threatening so why not just get on with life. Whether a previous heart attack or PE offer any added hazard is a question to ask your doctor but we all face some risks in life and to live wrapped in cotton wool is no kind of life. Do let us know what you decide and how you get on tho'. All the best

I would say that it depends on the stability of your INR.
Ask your Doctor, If It could involve your internal organs, I don't know jujitsu, but you can bleed internally too
Also, I suppose that if your INR were to increase a good deal without that being noticed. Now, that should not occur because of regular checks but if it did then internal bleeding may become a bit of a problem. Probably have to be a big jump in INR for a real risk.
thanks have already gone back in the gym and now going back to Jujitsu 8)
Check this out with a haematologist