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May 12th marks the International Awareness Day for Fibromyalgia (FMS), Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Many people around the world will be wearing purple and blue ribbons, pins and awareness bands to show their support as well as supporting online campaigns. Please can you take a few mins to support this Thunderclap?
Fibromyalgia (FM or FMS) is a chronic widespread pain syndrome that is a very debilitating often disabling condition. People living with Fibromyalgia experience a heightened & painful response to pressure. Symptoms include debilitating fatigue, sleep disturbance, joint
stiffness, difficulty with swallowing, bowel & bladder abnormalities, numbness & tingling, dysautonomia and cognitive dysfunction.
Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) is characterised by a range of neurological symptoms and signs, muscle pain with intense physical or mental exhaustion, debilitating fatigue and specific cognitive disabilities.
These illnesses have a huge impact on daily life, as living with chronic pain and fatigue (mental and physical exhaustion) plus many other symptoms 24/7, can mean that daily activities that a healthy person takes for granted are considerably more difficult. Unfortunately, these conditions are often known as invisible illnesses, as many with Fibromyalgia and ME may look well on the outside meaning that people often dismiss any symptoms out of hand often meaning that some experience stigma and lack of empathy.
We must raise awareness to help inform those who may not understand Fibromyalgia & ME. This is why this campaign is so important, so please show your support and share these information links on International Awareness Day
Fibromyalgia - NHS Choices
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis MEpedia
PLEASE NOTE: The current treatment of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) needs a review as a recent trial called PACE has been discussed in parliament in February regarding it's major flaws. MP Carol Monaghan said it could be 'one of the greatest medical scandals of 21st century'
ME Campaigners are asking NICE to make changes to remove GET/CBT from their ME Guidelines ( before 2020 and therefore NHS Choices information should be changed to reflect this , hence we have used MEpedia.
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