Hi Everyone!
Due to a range of disabilities, 18 per cent of working age adults are disabled (Source: Scope scope.org.uk/) and a number of this percentage are currently housebound/bedbound. However, this percentage of the UK public still have a range of skills from previous employment that could be utilised and although being immobile many could work from home using a computer and internet connection. Remote working, meetings and home based employment is much easier now due to the resources and technology available to employers.
The truth is a majority of disabled people in this particular situation would be willing to work if the opportunities were made available to them. Therefore, this petition asks the Employment Minister and UK Government to introduce a Workability Law to ensure larger companies provide X number of remote/home based opportunities for disabled people.
This opportunities for disabled people either part-time or full time would be beneficial in the following ways;
▪ Employment opportunities for all (Equality Act 2010)
▪ Potentially fewer people on ESA and other benefits - it is likely a percentage will only needing to claim Personal Independence Payment (PIP).
▪ Beneficial towards the Mental Health of the disabled person, reducing feelings of worthlessness and depression.
▪ Utilise workplace skills of the housebound/bedbound person that benefits UK companies.
In some cases, the employer or UK Government might need to help with financial costs towards an internet connection and a cpmputer/laptap to be able to work for which the latter schemes are in place to help disabled people. Surely this is more sensible for the reasons above and the cost saving of ESA payments. This may also reduce the need for the awful treatment some disabled people seem to experience in work-related benefit groups including the Job Centre, being sanctioned even though the job role and demands are unrealistic pertaining to the disabilities an individual may have.
Please support this petition using the hashtag #workabilitylaw
Many Thanks for your support
If you agree, please sign the petition here;
Any support much appreciated, as I know many of us would be able to work from home if the opportunities and provisions were made available to us
All the best
Please Note: This post is 'unlocked' so it can be found by internet search engines to hopefully encourage people to sign and also it can then be shared via Facebook & Twitter too!