why do i feel down some times - Andover Fibromyal...
why do i feel down some times
We all feel down it is part of having this condition, and the getting used to the changes it brings to our lives, come and talk to us here about anything, we understand ????
Soft hugs
It's a tough journey… We have the right to feel down sometimes And we wouldn't be normal if we didn't. Particularly when Others don't understand. We need to be kind to ourselves When we feel like that.... Hope you are being kind to yourself domrep
Hi, I think its brave of you to admit that your feeling down. I get really down as my condition leaves me unable to walk and I have to hire a mobility scooter even though I am 40. I hate the way my life has changed and notice a huge difference in the way i cope when I am not in pain. I take anti depressants and they help. I hate saying that and I hate taking them but being disabled would make anyone depressed! Wishing you a good day soon x
Hello Domrep,
Please know that we all here have experienced similar low moods due to living with Chronic Illness. So, we all understand and are here to listen.
It is sometimes hard at the to find the right medications, find a way to manage the chronic illness by adapting to living with it and the acceptance of it too. We all go up and down with flares and that alone is enough to make you feel down, so don't be too hard on yourself.
Having outside support (like here & group) alongside your Healthcare provision will all help as you adapt to living with Fibromyalgia.
Take Care
M x