Hi all, it has been 8 months since I posted about Celtic salt and cayenne pepper routine and berries and fruit. So I thought I would make an update
As a follow up to my increased AF episodes in February 24 I saw consultant went through with him my routine, he did not scoff ,but in end suggested when I get an AF episode to take 200mg of Flecainide within 1 hour of AF started and a further 100mg if still going on .So in past 8 months I have had maybe 4/5 episodes of AF mostly due to over exercise , which is a big improvement on earlier on in year. I can also report that taking the consultant advice I started with 200mg of Flecainide and then 100mg after 1 hour and on each occasion the AF stopped within 2 hours which is much better than when I as letting it go on for as many as 20 hours before having completely returned to normal , so I am pleased all round with progress , I wish all happy new year and a successful time reducing problems with AF