Just had 3rd af ablation under GA - (previous 2 under sedation 1st Cryo 2nd RF). 1st Ablation reduced episodes massively from every 2 days to every 3 weeks,.The plan for doing the 2nd one was the some "veins reconnected "- when they did the mapping they could not find any reconnection but found activity between the veins and isolated this with RF. Results was that episodes increased to 1 every 10 days. As a last resort EP recommended line by line ablation under GA as it would take longer. Had this yesterday but when they did the mapping they found that 2 veins has actually "reconnected" they did what they expected to do at the 2nd ablation by re- isolating the PV's and did nothing about the line by line as the could see no evidence of any electrical activity anywhere else. So, here's hoping ! I must say the GA was a lot more comfortable and they appeared to indicate that the mapping was more accurate due to the lack of movement>
3rd Ablation: Just had 3rd af ablation... - Atrial Fibrillati...
3rd Ablation

Fingers crossed that all has gone well with your 3rd ablation. I had my first two RF ablations with sedation and like you the third with a GA and very much preferred that.
Take it easy now and best wishes.
I can't understand the ethos of sedation with cryo ablation. Mine was absolutely minimum, and I was so aware I dared not move a muscle, but imagine if I'd been just "woozy" I'd have wriggled. Then,a re do...more theatre time and expense!Probably expense and lack if anaesthetists!
Good luck and have a nice relaxed recovery over the festive season
I have episodes every 3 weeks myself. Just out of interest: how is your resting heart rate while in AF? All the best!
Hi, I've had 3 Ablations.3rd one 14 months ago. Such a relief, only 2 small episodes in that time . After taking pip Verapamil all was ok . Good luck and enjoy your Christmas 🎄
Good to hear - very best of luck and hope it’s 3rd time lucky for you and you’re living life aFib free very soon 🙏☘️🤞
hopefully it was successful. Just know ablations are very difficult. You’re talking about a tiny spot you are trying to fix. Remember you have a whole electrical system around your heart. I am a visual person. I like to compare things so when I was told about the electrical part by my EP in my head, I am a string of Christmas lights inside. You know how irritating those are? You spot a bulb out and you replace it. Later that night there’s one out on the other end. And so on. even if they can block the short in your system, it doesn’t mean you won’t have could compare it to a pipe. Also, if you find something, you can understand better as far as what is going on I think you might feel better about it and understand. This is a horrible complex thing that we have, but it won’t kill us so they say. I would say 90% of people on here just want more than they will see happen because there is no cure. Just remember you have other body parts and your heart can do other things. A fib is annoying overwhelming, and can make you feel lousy. I hate it when I get hard thumps and aching, but it is what it is now. It usually does not last that long if it does, I tell my doctor.
you know about putting all your eggs in one basket? Whether it is an ablation or a whatever they are not there is going to come a time your meds will change because your body has gotten used to them. Some people are very blessed, but not all of us. Just know that every day they are working on new things.
I am here because the last EP I found knows how to think outside the box does not like Band-Aid fixing which most things are he wants us to have quality of life. Only three ablations I had too much scar tissue for him to consider doing another. I was in heart failure. Ejection rate 40 his exact words to me where that my heart and I could not take any more of that which is why we went with the pacemaker. Just to show you what they can do for us these days, there was no pacemaker for me. I have all messed up. My doctor HIS bundling along with a dual pacemaker and I don’t even know what else maybe lol
all I can tell you is that when I left the hospital, I was able to stand up out of the wheelchair and get into the car myself. I had been unable to stand walk pretty much do anything without tears and crushing pain. When I woke from the AV node and I was connected, I was down from 200 to a heart rate of 82 for the first time in almost a year, which is what had exhausted my heart. On top of that instead of 40 my ejection rate is now in the 70s according to my EP people without heart failure would love to have my numbers. because of what I have in me, they can pull readings at any time without me being there up to the minute readings when I’m sitting there a couple of months ago at my last he showed me my chart. It was beautiful. were no even though I was feeling some. They don’t show because of the AV node and pacemaker. I feel normal most of the time a big percentage of time. FYI, it did not happen overnight in February. It will be my second anniversary of my pacemaker. The first year is the toughest not because it hurts. It’s us and learning you need to be open. You need to be able to think sensibly and not panic which is easier to say than do. Because of my former career, I do not panic about much but my anxiety still hits me and when it does, I get lousy results from it.
a lot of a fib is with your doctor and his knowledge and the rest of it is up to you what you let it do to you not saying ignore it because we just put 1 foot in front of the other and deep breath. If you ever do get a pacemaker, you are gonna find you will feel really good knowing anything you’re feeling is not damaging you and you have a chance of healing to a better place even after damage is done. At this point, I think my odds are better of getting run over by a crazy driver in my area than my a fib getting me. Watch out when you cross the street look both ways lol