My BP has always been up and down like the proverbial....... When asked to check it by stroke nurse after my TIA or whatever it was, I could feel it going up!!I have white coat syndrome too. On that occasion the lowest I could manage was 156/99 but sometimes since, in similar circumstances ( lying quietly on the bed) 116/60. My other issue is health anxiety so feel in a cleft stick, as I suspect any treatment would make me dizzy on the good days. Is this common??
Labile blood pressure: My BP has always... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Labile blood pressure


Hello, Bagrat!
This time, I believe to be the right one to reply. Will try to be as concise as possible... I only started on BP medication several days ago (72 yo - feel strange, hard to concentrate, sleepy more than ever, problems when driving), despite having had seriously increased BP for over a decade. 10 years ago, when I would measure 140/90, I was quite happy with it, but it was slowly progressing. In the past months, I would usually measure 170-180/ 70-80 and was feeling quite Ok with it. I never had any issues because of high BP and was feeling and functioning perfectly well. In the past few weeks, I had "Olympic results" with 220/100 or so. It really made me worried, so I started with Wazotal and now feel poorly.
Like you, my BP started oscillating and I would find it in the span 165/70 to 230/100, within 10 minutes apart. Seems to be kinda "normal". I know you had very stressful period behind you, so it may be the reason for the body condition you are in and for increased and instable pressure. I was also under permanent stress, so the medication seems to be doing the right thing - I am sooo relaxed, that people have the problem to understand what I am trying to say - the words come out quite blurred, lol. For both of us, things may improve with the time, let's hope that it is just the consequence of severe stress and is temporary.
Best wishes"
Thank you Peter. People always think I am the calm "go to" person in an emergency and I do think sensibly under pressure but am also a chronic over thinker!!I am trying to shed responsibilities that I can, but of course a lot remain. I find mindfulness and trying to meditate is a help.
I hope your body adjusts to the new meds and you stop feeling so "blurred round the edges".Is your blood pressure responding? Regards Wendy
Yes, Wendy, my BP has somewhat reduced, yesterday I measured 150/70, what is the lowest in a long time. I am, in general, against the medication, so do not take anything for AF, even the anticoagulants not. But, in some cases, we face the fence and have no solution other than medication. During my life, I have developed an unnecessary habit to be "overconcentrated", meaning I have a cramp like feeling in my head which doesn't go. Maybe you would say that I am also an overthinker regarding everything. It does make us "responsible" but also stresses us more than needed. I have tried everything I knew, but without results. So, I have realized that the drugs are the sole remaining solution. Will reduce it as far as possible, just enough to keep my BP in better range. Never tried weed, it is forbidden in my country, but may try it, just as a cure, to see if it helps with relaxing, lol...
I read per age over 65 140/80 OK. Higher watch carefully. Meds at 150/91.
If you imagine your arteries clogged and blood banging to get through that's your heart going overtime.
I was put on BP tabs back in 2007. I was overweight so if you can lose as much extra is you can. Drink plenty of water.
Metoprolol @ 49.75 mg and baby aspirin were OK. But then a change in clinic and a new Dr doubled it. I had trouble breathing.
Back to 49.75mg. But in 2010 I lost 20kg and BP went low. So off meds.
2019 I had a stroke (embolic, L Frontal Lobe) and diagnosed with Rapid and Persistent AF. 4th Day the Carotid Artery scan showed a shadow on Thyroid. The Carotid arteries were clear. I had papillary thyroid cancer.
The anti-co.agulant is for the risk of a blood clot heading for your brain.
In AF I got Metoprolol again 3 x 23.75 when I said NO. Even reducing it to 23.75 I was breathlessness on any exertion and pauses at night showed on 24hour Heart Monitor. Changed to Bisoprolol. Again no control on H.R 156 but BP controlled in both. No breathlessness or pauses but fatigued and slept alot.
A private interested H.Specialist introduced CCB Calcium Channel blocker which does both BP and H/Rate.
You don't give your H/Rate.
cheriojOY. 75. (NZ)
Thank you, JOY, for the reply and interesting data. My resting HR is specific, very low like 48-50 bpm, all day long. Sometimes, I feel palpitations, otherwise no problems. The medication I take, works via blood vessel dilatation (hence Wazotal), which is very convenient since there is not much space for further HR reduction. This morning, after only 3 days of the treatment, I have cut the pill in half, considering it to be too much as a whole. Cheers! P.
what medication for BP? JOY
The medication is Wazotal, like I said above...
Never listed as a BP. Is it a new modern med? Never heard of it before!
cheri JOY
Hello, Joy! My mistake - it is written as "Vazotal", produced by Hemofarm.
What kind of Blocker is it. I've strolled down all the types of Blockers and it is not on any list of each different type.
Vazotal is not on any list.
cheri JOY
I've had a look Joy, it's a Serbian version of amlodipine
Everyone has their own concept of health, mine includes taking medication ( I was a nurse specialist till I retired but have shied away from statins till this cerebral event and have now agreed). It also includes definitely taking anticoagulants. Is CBD also forbidden where you live? The trouble is there is scant evidence of how CBD oil interacts with traditional medicine.Good your B/P down a bit
I read that supplementary Omega Fish Oil is good for AFers but not good for a person withou heart trouble. It was either BMJ or Radcliffe research.
I will definitely refrain from Statins. They interfere with your Thyroid hormones or synthetic meds.
and refrain from Steroids - including a cortisone injection.
I don't take the flu injection either.
cherio JOY. 75. (NZ)
Best if you have a BP at home. I use a MicoLife as it comes in various cuff sizes and takes 4 AA batteries. Very reliable.
Make a chart.
Give it to Dr but H/R better taken by doctor via stethoscope or physically.
AF doesn't read accurately or has an error on the monitor. ERR
cherio Joy. 75. (NZ)
Blood pressure is so confusing. Fifteen years ago I was placed on BP meds and just took them as prescribed. I too suffer from White coat Syndrome, so on my 6 monthly check up with my GP it was raised but not alarmingly so. Then I was diagnosed with AF and sent to a Cardio who admitted me for two nights and administered 2.5mg Biso (As it took 4 hours to arrange transport - I had to leave my car in the GP's car park) I was actually back in NSR when I saw him. During the time I was in hospital with just Biso, my BP was down to 114/70. so he removed BP meds. After a while, it went up again so GP reinstated BP meds, then it went down again and the other practice GP whom I saw when mine was on leave took it away again! Nowdays, I just use my BP meds on an 'as needed basis' I take my BP twice a day (Not all that accurate as I have three wrist devices, and take an average - I have thin arms and I get all wrapped up with the upper arm cuffs) If BP is up I take a pill, if its down I dont, if my HR is up I take 1.25mg Biso. but take my anti-coagulant daily without fail. I'm nearly 82, have never fainted or become dizzy, so I think the GP whom I visit every 6 months and the Cardio who I see annually, have decided to let me get on with it !
That is interesting. The working diagnosis of TIA on 30th Nov does not seem to fit my symptoms (or very loosely) i.e certainly not recovered in an hour as remember nothing from Sat lunchtime till finding myself on the stroke unit Sun am and then very patchy.Have no idea where the last 2 weeks or so have gone, yet can write coherently and sound OK. Continue to be very muzzy headed.
I am going through the diagnosis for labile hypertension at the moment. It’s not recommended to go on blood pressure meds if you have labile as your blood pressure will go really low too.
My afib is currently under control but suspect my blood pressure issues are due to the same extreme stress and long term lack of sleep (two disabled teenagers) that caused me afib . They are known causes for labile. It’s very rare though. More common is spiking blood pressure from a normal starting point which can be medicated.
Stress does put us through it, I have the utmost respect for anyone in your position.My BP hasn't dropped below 115/70 recently so does that count as spiking not labile ??
Bagrat I am very similar with the white coat syndrome. At doctor's office, BP is often above 140. At home, normally well below 130. Pls note afib can cause blood pressure to vary.
Suggest asking your doctor to wear a blood pressure monitor for a determined period This will present a true evaluation.
I have white coat syndrome too, even when taking my blood pressure myself! I took five readings last week over the space of 10 minutes, the first was 126/79 and the last 105/62. I used to take Amlodopine for borderline high blood pressure but during cancer treatment my readings dropped to 90/55 and I was told to stop the medication. The same doctor told me my blood pressure may never return to what it was before, and it hasn't.
But without fail, it is always high when taken in hospital.