On Saturday I had a really funny turn, I felt a bit dizzy went To go to the loo and then don’t remember anything apart from when I can round my shoulder was very painful where I must have fallen and banged against the bathroom and sitting in a pool of wee, totally confused where I was, what had happened, the time, nothing. Went to bed and could hear the blood rushing through my heart, through the valves. It was so loud. I felt unwell and went and got a Bisoprolol 2.5 ad I was scared and eventually my head became quiet and could no longer hear any blood rushing. When I checked my watch in the morning my heart rate had gone to 111 bpm, is the PAF again, I’m confused. Anybody experienced that?
Is PAF back?: On Saturday I had a... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Is PAF back?

Sounds as though you passed out and should have rung for an ambulance straight away. You need to be checked out as soon as possible so please make an appointment to se your GP ASAP. And if you feel anything like that again, 999.

Any passing out MUST be investigated. If it happens again phone for an ambulance. In the meantime get an emergency appointment at you GP for a check up/ blood tests ecg etc.
Agree with your other replies, get checked out ASAP and 999 if anything similar happens again.
Best wishes
This needs to get checked out right away. Best wishes
It could have been your blood pressure dropping too low. Please talk to your GP as soon as possible as you don't want that happening again.
Had you just got out of bed to go to the toilet?
Thanks for responding I’ve just been seen in Haematology who have increased my anticoagulant Apixaban to 5mg twice daily she said I should have gone to A&E as I may have had a small transient stroke. I was on my own and was completely dazed and didn’t have any recollection of what happened so just went to bed. It’s been quite scary I see the EP next week she said I should really ask them to organise a review in the stroke clinic and therefor will write to the EP to ask them to refer me to get an assessment.
Again, thank you so much for responding it’s good to know I can talk to someone and not worry I’m wasting peoples time as a result of all the reassurance there is out there.
Thank you
Sounds like a TIA or stroke.
At 2am I awoke with a trendously sore head. I went to toilet and went back to bed. I live alone with my mini dog.
I reawoke 5.30am and didn't make the toilet. Looked in mirror. I had had a stroke. I quickly showered, got a bag ready, took pooch into the s.c. Unit. Rung 111 (NZ). No one could understand me and my cell 2G didn't put me in my home. But I went back into the main house and grabbed the home. phone and my address apparently came up. things, dropped mouth/face, righthand dropsy, speech impairment, were the main. Diagnosed with Stroke (embolic), left frontal lobe, rapid and persistent AF, 4th day Thyroid Cancer.
With TIA or stroke in NZ no driving for 3 weeks. Dr may want his patient to pass a driving test (physical). I gained 10/10. $75.
Take care.
cherio JOY. 75. (NZ)
"When I checked my watch in the morning my heart rate had gone to 111 bpm,"
What watch were you wearing? Does it monitor continuously? Did it show bradycardia or pauses between heartbeats.
I have had several similar episodes caused by long pauses between heartbeats. Always recovered without intervention, I've come round with my head down the toilet as I was vomiting when it happened, once I came to in bed obviously happened during sleep. Someone called an ambulance when it happened in public but by time it arrived I had recovered. Hospital had no suggestions as to what might have happened. Originally episodes were few and months apart..
Eventually when it happened 15+ times in one night including in ambulance and A+E it was caught on cardiac monitor, I had an emergency pacemaker fitted and solved the problem.
It's a bit elusive like paroxysmal AFib, you need to catch it while it happening.
Definitely report to you medical team.
Sending best wishes.
Thank you. Flogging my brain to think what I may have done differently but come up with nothing. I see the EP in a week or so and will bring it up with him. The worrying part was the amnesia part of it as it is all a total blank before, during and after. We’ll see thanks again.
I had a transient stroke in 2017. Much of which was a blur. Now you are better protected with the anticoagulant. Never anything since,touch wood xxx
Don’t think you have done anything different. See your GP and EP and see what they say. It may be something totally different you experienced but sounded similar to what I had.
Best wishes
You hadn’t by any chance had any winter vaccinations in recent days, had you? It’s just that I, and two other people I know, all blacked out following Covid jabs.
This can happen for several reasons, none of them good so you really have to get checked out and as others have said when this happens we call an ambulance.
I had a turn on Saturday night too.Must be in the air.All sorts of funny things happened. Fortunately a friend was with me and got me home.Saw my Dr Monday morning as it was alarming.Ive had blood tests done.Monitoring my blood pressure and blood sugars.My concern is adrenal insufficiency.It is scary.Im taking it easy atm.I will go straight to hospital if it happens again before my Dr has results.
Hi Doddsey-UK
Yes this was me. My initial collapse, or syncope, is what started me off on this journey with arrhythmia. A few bear misses since! As others have said you need to get checked out. Also if you drive, as you blacked out you have to notify the DVLA. All the best 👍
Urinating can cause a sudden drop in BP, with panicky feelings occurring; it can also trigger ectopic beats and those can start an AF episode. 111bpm is not that high, though, and could just have been the adrenaline rush of feeling faint from low BP.
If you haven't told your GP, then now is the time. Has this happened before? I suspect you are perfectly well and will be told this is rather more common than we realise.
oh dear you should have called an ambulance when you came round. It’s not too late to see your GP or go up to the hospital to explain what happened. Are you on anticoagulants as any knock like that because if you passed out you could have hit your head snd thst in itself needed a check
Hope you feel better, but do tell doctor or go to hospital.
I am also going through a spell of dizziness.
When I checked my BP and 2 out of 4 testings showed a low blood pressure of 108/62.
I halfed the 2.5mg Bisoprolol Taurant. Much improved.
I was rummaging around in my meds box and found a Bisoprolol Vaquis. So this was a big change.
I will need to think about this.
Anyone else has a change in Bisoprolol? As above?
Now we have IPCA a different manufacture. A crumbling white pill which immediately dissolves in the mouth.
cherio JOY. 75. (NZ)