I have had ventricular ectopics for many years (i am now 75) and in more recent years have added SVTs. They have become much worse over last 2 years and Bisoprolol makes no difference. I had a 14 day monitor and PAF was picked up generally lasting only a few minutes. The cardiologist suggested switching to verapamil but that gave me unacceptable side effects and didn't stop the AF or the SVTs and ectopics. He also said "it was uncertain whether I had passed the threshold for a blood thinner". At the time I thought I might feel more confident if I was taking them but having read the side effects not so sure I want to! I am aware of virtually every arrhythmia (and envy those who don't feel them). Last night SVTs and ectopics were so persistent I didn't sleep at all... did get a lot of reading done tho. I have cut out everything one is supposed to but to no avail. I hope to get another appointment soon but would like to hear others experience with similar profile.
Newly diagnosed with Paroxysmal A. Fib - Atrial Fibrillati...
Newly diagnosed with Paroxysmal A. Fib

Firstly I'm concerned that your cardiologist is dithering about anticoagulation! Please discuss this with him/her or your GP.
The biggest side effect of NOT taking anticoagulation is having a stroke, having AF raises our risk 5 fold. The length of time in AF and other arrythmia doesn't matter.
I also wonder if a rythym control drug such as Flecanide hasn't been suggested,as Betablockers only work on the heart rate .
If you can get referred to an EP ( Electrophysiologist) or pay to see one privately for initial consultation Id advise you to. They're cardiologists with specialism in arrythmia.
Hope you get a treatment plan soon xx
Thanks for your feedback- cardiologist did mention flecanide if verapamil no good but there do seem to be conflicting thoughts, Not only are my afib episodes short but i have had only 6 in the last 7 months . They are always set off by SVTs so i think hes concentrated on trying to stop them.

Welcome to the Forum, I am sure many of the members will offer advice and support based upon their own experiences.
Please visit the AF Association for informative resources and videos; heartrhythmalliance.org/afa...
Alternatively, if you prefer to contact one of our Patient Services Team, please contact us direct via telephone or email: heartrhythmalliance.org/afa...
Kind regards
Hi, I also am concerned regarding the blood-thinners- it would seem you ought to be on them?
Reading is a true benefit! My wife wakes in the night and gets through so many novels. I just can’t read like that.
I have much as you describe, arrhythmia-wise but, now, with a lot if AF, too. It’s hard going at times. I sympathise with you.
I was told that after a certain age, any degree of AF requires a DOAC to prevent clots and the risk if stroke. I take apixaban for this and have no side effects at all, which I think is the most common scenario.
I bought a couple of clever home ECG devices that allow me to know what is what. One (a Wellue AI ECG) records up to 24 hours and needs a laptop; the other (a Contec PM20) is self contained. Those might help?
Bisoprolol just reduces heart rate and the lowest dose proved too much for me to take regularly so was stopped after three days. As my surgery didn’t come up with anything else, as I have posted here before, we found a private EP through the AFA and after he’d introduced me to having a smart phone and a Kardia and I’d sent him a reading of my heart in AF, sent a prescription for Flecainide to my surgery for me. At first I took it as a PiP when episodes occurred but now that I take it regularly it has ended episodes (and the phone has become a good companion!)
Investigate D-Ribose. Many maintain that it eliminates all arrythmias. And in any case it can't hurt you. Also, have you eliminated gluten?
Hi, I tried a Kardia but since I have very short episodes (thus far anyway). I found that by the time I had got my phone and opened the app it had stopped!
That’s so frustrating, isn’t it?! It takes me quite a while to get ready for a Kardia reading, as well as opening the app, and sitting still and relaxed enough for a trace to work! No good for catching anything under a minute or two for me.
When I started having lots of little runs of arrhythmia that really disturbed me, I got one of the devices Ppiman mentioned above - a Wellue 24 hour ecg monitor. It’s only 1 lead but at least can identify what is pacs/pvcs, svt, vt, af etc etc, which I find invaluable. The downloads have also galvanised my cardiologist into further tests and treatment which they had said was not necessary.
(Mind you nothing is failsafe- I can’t wear the Wellue at the moment as my skin is too sore for the electrodes, so I’ve just had 2 days of terrible arrhythmia gone unrecorded!) Jx