Diagnosed with atrial flutter three months after ablation for atrial fibrillation, now on waiting list for cardioversion. Finding that when catching up on news on mobile phone in bed first thing in the morning, I keep getting waves of light headedness. This also happens at breakfast (again trying to read), and sometimes in the evening watching TV. This is a new sensation, a bit disturbing. No problem walking around, although I have to pace myself going upstairs or up inclines, get breathless and tight chest. Is all this to be expected?
Light headedness: Diagnosed with atrial... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Light headedness

Have you checked your blood pressure? Also first thing in the morning you need to make sure you are hydrated well as it’s many hours since you have had liquid. I have low blood pressure and can feel light headed in the mornings, so first thing l do is have a glass of warm water. Take care.
I would ask your doctor, but I have similar and it was far worse when I had AFl back in 2019. I had an ablation which solved that but AF then slowly developed along with multiple ectopic beats and something called "bundle block" or LBBB.
The cardiologist who I see and who carried out my ablation explained that the light-headed feeling are caused by the ectopic beats / arrhythmia leading to a sudden fall in BP within the arteries supplying the brain, not measurable on a BP machine, and which can cause even memory issues, brain fog, slight confusion and other odd feelings.
Cheers! Have appointment with cardiologist next week after referral from A&E, will be interesting to hear his take on things, but doubt he will override what my EP plans which is a cardioversion. Sooner the better.
Steve describes it very well, blood pressure is the obvious answer but with me and lots on here it's not. Not only do I get the light headed feeling but also feels like I'm on an adrenaline rush. Be interested to know how you get on.
Will keep you posted