My husband has a long history of heart issues, angioplasty and stents 2005 after 2nd MI (we have no idea when the first was as no symptoms), Permanent AF 2012. Aortic incompetence/ stenosis for years, sleep apnoea.Sep 23 cardiologist felt intervention for aortic valve necessary but needed angiogram before referral to surgical team. He has a degree of cognitive impairment and was referred to memory clinic last Sept by lovely neurologist. Somehow he slipped the net and having been told waiting time 8 months, I chased it last month and he has been referred by GP Aug 31st 24, should be seen December
Fast forward to Sep 24. when he saw cardiothoracic surgeon yesterday.
He has been offered double or triple bypass (one artery may be too small,) a new valve and atrial appendage clip.
Surgeon said in his situation 3-4% mortality plus possibility of stroke, bleeding, delirium ( common after by pass machine evidently) and possible pacemaker. Waiting list about 3 months AFTER chest CT and echo, his last was nearly 18 months ago(!) due to waiting time for angio. I was expecting this would be the case but now it is a reality, it's a bit scary to say the least ( I'm a retired nurse, we are both 80).
Not sure if there's a question in here somewhere, but quite therapeutic just writing it down. Realise I should double this up on BHF group really, but this is home territory.
Am hoping the amount of adrenalin circulating improves blood supply to my arthritic knees, instead of kicking off my AF!!
If you've got this far, thank you