Just wondering if there has been any buzz/chatter about the drug — Abelacimab (MAA868) a monoclonal antibody that binds to the coagulation (clot forming) factor XI and locks it in the inactive state, preventing it from being activated thereby preventing thrombosis i.e. blood clots . It seems to have to a have significant reduction in bleeding risk.
●An unpublished US trial from 2023 comparing bleeding rates in 1287 individuals with atrial fibrillation who were randomly assigned to abelacimab (90 or 150 mg) or rivaroxaban (20 mg once daily) was stopped early because of greater safety with abelacimab [13,14]. Compared with rivaroxaban, abelacimab reduced major and clinically relevant nonmajor bleeding by 67 and 77 percent with the 150 mg and 90 mg doses, respectively. Gastrointestinal bleeding was reduced by 93 percent compared with rivaroxaban. Adverse event rates were similar between abelacimab and rivaroxaban.
Here in the US, it is still considered investigational. I'm curious about the UK/European trials/studies.