Just a quick one..... a friend told me his kidney function was too good! and therefore a change to Apixaban from Edoxaban was prescribed. I am new to ACs, anyone heard of this before?
Pharmacist replaces Edoxaban with Api... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Pharmacist replaces Edoxaban with Apixaban

Never heard of that but I do know kidney function in important as the drugs is cleaned from the body via the kidneys. Most doctors seem to want to switch people ON to edoxaban as it is cheaper!
Thanks Bob. My kidney function was tested after 2 months on Edoxaban. No comment from the surgery apart from 'No action'.
My cardiologist prescribed Edoxaban (some years ago when I was considering starting) saying it was cheaper and therefore practical for our region (which he oversees)...not the most reassuring comment for the patient 😁.
I can’t comment on your friends kidney function. I can tell you Apixaban is the DOAC selected for poor kidney function and people on dialysis. Is there such a thing as having kidney function that is “too good?”
This happened to me. Was prescribed Edoxaban when discharged from the hospital following Atrial Flutter diagnosis but was then called by hospital pharmacy to say prescription changed to Apixaban due to my kidneys functioning too well.
I think the “too good “ comment means that his kidneys are clearing the once a day Edoxaban from his system quickly so is not as effective. Apixaban is taken twice a day so it will be active throughout the day despite his efficient kidneys
I am not a medic but have heard similar elsewhere
never heard of kidney function being too good 🤔
There’s an information sheet on both drugs and others in the Patient Resources on the following link heartrhythmalliance.org/afa...
Apixaban is a 12 hourly drug and Edoxaban is a 24 hourly drug
Best wishes