hi I had a 48 hr holter monitor and echocardiogram in feb and have just had these results on my nhs app I’ve not had any follow ups yet so was looking for help with the results thank you holter monitor shows 3% burden of ventricular ectopics these are multi-focal and include couplets and triplets the echocardiogram results say within normal limits and my ef is 64% I’m assuming this is all ok thank you in advance for any help
help decoding results : hi I had a 4... - Atrial Fibrillati...
help decoding results

Very low burden. EF is super. Get on with and enjoy your life.
Thank you for your reply that’s very reassuring I’m waiting for an appointment with cardiologist to discuss medication I think they may put me on bisoprolol thank you again
That’s a good result.
In another sense, it really depends how you feel in yourself. That’s a low daily burden but if they come all together at a particular time, it can feel much worse than the figure suggests (although still not a worry in terms of health). Also, was the 48-hour representative of your usual level of ectopic beats?
Thanks for replying yes that’s pretty much my usual level of ectopics they’re normally spaced out when I can feel them but I do sometimes get runs of them that I can feel in my throat if that makes sense
Iv had the same thing, echocardiogram & 48hr monitor going doctors tomorrow but I got my results back on middle of May and I'm only just seeing my GP tomorrow about my results for them both. But reading them I have the same as you in 48hrs I had 104 Eptopic beats and these was ventricular and had a couple but not many artial ones as well. I think I had couples in there but I haven't spoken to the doctor yet. My results from my echocardiogram from what I read is all fine as well but I am finding they become less the less I worry about them which I know it's hard. Remember you've got this and though they are scary sometimes your not alone. I'd suggest checking out if you haven't already Dr Sanjay Gupta he has a YouTube page and also facebook he talks about eptopic beats this forum has guided me to this Dr so many times and he reassures you so much about everything.Best wishes and I hope you can learn to understand them and what the triggers are that's the hard part I'm learning at the moment.
With AF one usually has a left atrium dilation which makes your heart in an abnormal state.
I have persistent AF and my rapid ..is under control.
Therefore no cardioversion, ablation or anti-arrhymic meds.
Settled controlled on low doses of Diltiazem for rate and Bisoprolol for BP separated AM to PM.
cheri JOY. 75. (NZ)
Hi, cheri JOY. I also have persistent Afib and my average heart rate is 60 with Diltiazem. I'm asymptomatic and would rather not treat the arrhythmia. May I ask how you decided not to treat your arrhythmia? As you know, patients and providers alike have different opinions about this. Thank you.
With AF Rapid Heart Rate under control the arrhymia is also slowed.
As I have an abnormal heart cardioversion, ablation and meds for rhymn is OUT.
I don't feel any rhymn abnormal. I don't get flutters, palpitations, or pain.
My heart rate at night has always been low and still is @ 47bpm avg.
Taking Diltiazem 120mg AM it does not affect the normal night rate. Dr thinks the Diltiazem altho slow release either it uses its energy straightaway and wear off or senses it doesn't need to exert itself.
On the Diltiazem manufactured by ACCORD my heart rate came down to 86-96. Then a year later the usual manufacturer resumed (SAFE PROVEN) and it came down to 60s.
You know that Flec..... is a risky, dangerous med!
cheri JOY.
Thank you for your response. I have great ambivalence about trying an antiarrhythmic medication but as I've posted previously I'm concerned about the progressive nature of Afib. Decisions, decisions!
I'll continue to wrestle with this, cheri JOY. I'm so grateful to you and others on this forum. Wishing you all the best.
Hi thanks for replying my letter didn’t mention AF it just said pvc’s and my echo was within normal limits as far as I know I don’t have AF or at least I’ve not been diagnosed with it
Well THIS IS A AF FORUM so we accept that al folks using this forum have AF. Often posters don't remind us.
May be it finds that you do have it.
I was diagnosed from the STROKE with AF Rapid and Persistent .. then at 4 days having a Carotid Arteries scan I had a shadow on my Thyroid. Carotids were clean but a biopsy proved I had Papillary Thyroid Cancer.
So the Thyroid in trouble caused AF and the AF caused the clot - it was an Ischaemic Stroke - Embolic type.
At least we know what caused the stroke and why I got AF. Why worry about the rhymn of your heart. In 2022 I was diagnosed with a soft systollic heart murmur which they don't worry about.
cheri JOY. 75. (NZ)
My letter said I’ll been seen in clinic and to start on bisoprolol I’ve no appointment date as yet , I don’t get breathless is more of a feeling in my throat and now I can sometimes feel the extra beat or thud not always though hopefully this we not progress to anything else
Are the couplets and triplets dangerous the report dosent mention how often or how many it say’s the tests ie holter and echo are reassuring I’m new to the arythmia thing I have a stent but not heart attack also the echo says normal
Will do thank you again for taking the time to reply