Massive leap in heart rate following ... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Massive leap in heart rate following Covid vaccination - a coincidence?

vbonariensis profile image
44 Replies

I'm 80, diagnosed with persistent AF in 2020, and have lived carefully and happily with few symptoms.

The excellent Bristol Heart Institute has organised two echos, an MRI and an angiogram showing, to my satisfaction, acceptable results.

My heart rate is always low ranging from 30 to 55 beats per minute.

On Tuesday last, I had the latest Covid booster.

On Wednesday morning, I drove to my dentist with a 60 mile round trip without incident.

On Wednesday afternoon, I felt ill and recorded 178 four times on my two Omrons.

Over the past five days, I've had so many ups and downs with beats per minute ranging from 30 to 161, little sleep and breathlessness.

I've had an ambulance visit via 111, and I've emailed my cardiologist.

I'd welcome any comments or advice.

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vbonariensis profile image
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44 Replies
Rainfern profile image

That is so unlucky. Unfortunately the heart is such a sensitive organ once we have Afib. Covid vaccinations have been a hot topic on this forum in the past, what with all the pro and anti vax sentiments that were floating around a year or two ago. At one time we weren’t even meant to talk about it on the forum but hopefully we can be more open now!

I’m not sure if any research has come out on this subject but what I have learned from reading the many posts on this forum is that while covid itself is known to trigger heart arrhythmias, a number of members have also had AF triggered by the vaccination. My EP on this topic said that with a vaccination program on such a vast scale there will inevitably be some shrapnel. I’d be interested to hear of any recent research.

I hope you hear back from your cardiologist very soon and that they are able to offer the best treatment to calm your heart rate.

vbonariensis profile image
vbonariensis in reply to Rainfern

Interesting comments.

Thank you, and for your good wishes.

CDreamer profile image

I certainly react to the COVID vaccine so decided 18 months ago - no more!

Ducky2003 profile image
Ducky2003 in reply to CDreamer

Same here.

Terriersgalore profile image
Terriersgalore in reply to CDreamer

Same here.

pusillanimous profile image
pusillanimous in reply to CDreamer

I reacted to the' flu last year (been having them every year for more years than I can recall). Decided to skip it this year and stay in my little bubble until the season is over. Everything can be ordered online and delivered !

Jay10 profile image
Jay10 in reply to CDreamer

Same here

Ennasti profile image

Yes, it definitely can - thankfully for me it was short lived )up to about 6 months).

My cardiologist actually did a holter on me when I got my last vaccination to see what would happen. My arrhythmias really play up with all vaccines including influenza, some worse than others. My cardiologist confirmed that if you’re prone to cardiac issues, both the vaccine and COVID can make them more prevalent. We then focussed the pros and cons of vaccination for my personal situation.

I haven’t had a COVID vaccine since last April. My last one was my 5th. I’m not sure when I will feel comfortable getting the next. I’m yet to have COVID and maybe I will regret my decision to delay any further vaccines. Only time will tell. My GP is also understanding of my stand. Both still feel the risk of no vaccine versus the risk of COVID is still slightly more but they also understand my hesitation.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Ennasti

I had 6 vaccines and COVID 3-4 times. I was very ill the second time I had COVID, which was quite soon after 2nd vaccination. The other times had only very mild symptoms. I was nearly as ill as the worst COVID episode after I had 5 vaccinations within 3 months - Flu, Shingles x 2, COVID x 2. I have autoimmune condition and take immune suppressants. I have so many friends in the autoimmune community who also reacted with flares of their autoimmune conditions that I am convinced my immune system was just overloaded.

It is a difficult decision and I was interested to read today that less than 21% of the immune suppressed community took up the invitation of a spring vaccine.

Ennasti profile image
Ennasti in reply to CDreamer

Yes, it’s an interesting area and one which will continue to evolve as the scientists gather more data over time. It’s an area I think we all need to consider in consultation with our medical practitioners with our personal needs and requirements taken into account. I still see a lot of rubbish on the internet about vaccines and stupid theories about ‘big pharma and governments’. I’m still a very firm believer that vaccines save lives.

Interestingly - on the COVID front - my husband has now had it 3 times and many people around me have had it multiple times and yet I remain COVID free. Even right at this very moment my husband has COVID. I have a bad chest infection and so the Dr did a pcr test on me on Monday to make sure I also didn’t have COVID - still no COVID or any other respiratory virus. Just a bacterial chest infection. I’m not sure why I’m remaining COVID free, but I’m thankful for it!

Lab results for respiratory test
JOY2THEWORLD49 profile image
JOY2THEWORLD49 in reply to Ennasti


Join the club! No COVID. 7 jabs.

Yet had Flu last August and a test of sputum was

postive to



Awful swallowing.

At 12 days 5 day of Amoxil cleared the dregs.

Hot water with lemon and honey was a big help. Plus box of Dark Grape Juice McCoys - drunk a box a day.

I always decline flu injections.

But have COVID injections.

cheri jOY. 75. (NZ)

pusillanimous profile image
pusillanimous in reply to Ennasti

I live in South Africa where the uptake of Covid vaccine has been low. I had the two initial ones and a booster, and have never had Covid. It seems to have been forgotten here. I recall my Vet telling me about over- vaccination in dogs, and his opinion being that after the initial puppy ones and the mandatory annual Rabies, most of the boosters were just money makers !!!!

Rambler398 profile image

The way you describe your recent problems makes a coincidence seem unlikely.

bean_counter27 profile image

I would have gone to ER within hours of it first starting but symptoms like that would be extreme for my AF. What was the result of the ambulance attendance?

It appears to be a lottery when it comes to Covid vaccinations and experience when actually having Covid. People I know are reporting being much sicker with Covid in recent times than their previous experience, yet the strain is meant to be milder. One ended up needing anti-virals and a steroid inhaler but when they had it previously, were almost asymptomatic.

Likewise with the Covid vaccination. Why do some people have a significant reaction to Covid vaccination when previously it hasn't been a problem? Has it been administered differently e.g. into a blood vessel? I'm sure we'll eventually find out.

I hesitated about my latest Covid vaccination but ended up getting it last week. So far, like my previous 5 Covid shots, no issues - AF or otherwise. When I had Covid it triggered AF at the time and I had several episodes in the months following i.e. more than usual until it eventually settled back to "normal".

I hope your AF settles quickly and you find the cause.

vbonariensis profile image
vbonariensis in reply to bean_counter27

The ambulance guys arrived at the 'wrong' time following six readings of 150 plus over four hours in the afternoon.

Excellent guys.

Their ECG showed HR of 55.

They checked and confirmed my Omrons are accurate.

Thanks for your good wishes.

Thomas45 profile image

I've had every COVID jab offered. The last about three weeks ago. I've never had an adverse reaction and I've never caught covid.

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to Thomas45

My husband's the same. NO problems at all yet I did.

Jafib profile image

I’ve never been vaxed, however, when I got Covid a few months ago it turned my paroxysmal afib of 16 years (controlled with flecainide) into persistent afib. Hope your hr returns to normal soon.

vbonariensis profile image
vbonariensis in reply to Jafib

Thanks for your good wishes

Ducky2003 profile image

I had palpitations and increased pulse rate following the 3 jabs I've had (all different brands) so decided against anymore for me. If there hadn't been an issue, I would have continued to have them.

Rotsky profile image
Rotsky in reply to Ducky2003

I am immune suppressed with steroids , also have AFib. Have you had the Novovax, different rout to MNRA?


Ducky2003 profile image
Ducky2003 in reply to Rotsky

No, I haven't but as as far as I'm aware, there is just a lower risk of heart issues rather than no risk. As someone who is very symptomatic with AF and also waiting for mitral valve surgery, I'd rather not risk poking the bear but thank you for suggesting it.

Rotsky profile image
Rotsky in reply to Ducky2003

I really don’t know what to do….clutching at straws! All very best wishes to you.

vbonariensis profile image
vbonariensis in reply to Rotsky

Thank you for your good wishes

jeanjeannie50 profile image

I believe a heart rate of 30bpm is too low, my GP reduced my medication when I told him that my heart rate was going down to 40bpm. I'm glad to hear that you have emailed your cardiologist and hope he gets back to you quickly.

I had three Covid jabs and my heart protested each time and triggered AF. One year I had three different jabs Covid, pneumonia, and flu. The following year I had all three of those things and ended up in a Covid ward with that and pneumonia. Never again will I (a normally healthy person) have any other jabs.

ainslie profile image

I asked my cardiologist if vaccines can affect us in terms of AF or trachycardia or ectopics, he said possibly but if so it should be transitory, I hope yours clears up soon

vbonariensis profile image
vbonariensis in reply to ainslie

Many thanks - reassuring

Steve112 profile image

The overwhelming evidence science based is that these vaccines are Not Safe or Effective and will not prevent you from catching or spreading can watch all the propaganda misinformation you want from Mainstream media and TV doctors who it has been proven have accepted large payments to promote this agenda..we are of course all free to make our own choices.

Tryfan profile image

My own research has led me to decline any more MnRA vaccine. It is a personal choice. Each of us is different. I will take up a dedenuded Virus similar to Ifluenza, when they let me have a choice. One point I will add the three early MnRA I received. After the second I made sure I had two quiet days. No exercise, no stress and rest. I feel I reduced the strain on my heart on vaccine number 3. Personal choice as I say.

Since joining the forum when first diagnosed with Afib. I've been diagnosed with Prostae Cancer. Went through the stress of biopsy followed by Protatectomy . Pleased to say cacame through it all with no recurrence of the dreaded- won't say the word in case I wake up the sleeping monster. Best wishes.

Tapanac profile image

I had the same. After my covid booster on the Saturday morning last end January or beginning February. I tested positive for covid on the Tuesday. . I had felt so ill after the booster which made me take the test

Then at the same time my afib/tachycardia kicked in which was the first time since my pacemaker last September and it has been playing up ever since

I decided no more boosters for me as similar happened to me after the previous booster too

I do hope you feel better soon.

vbonariensis profile image
vbonariensis in reply to Tapanac

Thank you for your good wishes

JOY2THEWORLD49 profile image


What dental work did you have done?

Is the injection site itchy and red?

Dental work could have stirred up an infection. Be interesting what you had done.

With a reaction of 1st Hepatitis happened within hours. Went to bed with a far coat and still shivering. Very sore head which lasted days. I was in 40s age group without AF.

A Blood test showed antigens. I had got Hepatitis B. As I was a blood donor it was tested. I was already slightly immune. (Blood transfusion 12 years prior). I have 1000 units immune against Hep B.

Have you left 6 months between your COVID jabs?

Which Covid injection did you have moderna/pfizer/ ?

I do drink plenty of water and after and have 1/2 banana before and after.

I've had 7 jabs. The 2nd jab was not put in my muscle so I got a large RED spot and immense itchiness. My Dr gave me a course of antibiotics (a skin one). But I felt OK.

Get a blood test done a.s.a.p.

cheri JOY. 75. (NZ)

As I was returning to NZ after 6 years working in UK I wrote to my cousin who was head of HEALTH. He said I must have contracted Hep B. Well, I don't believe that for a second. A strong headache and fever within hour of injection. He said it was a synthetic strain of Hep B in the injection.

vbonariensis profile image
vbonariensis in reply to JOY2THEWORLD49

The dental appointment was just a routine annual inspection from an old acquaintance, two x-rays, a smear of fluoride on an exposed tooth, and a clean.

JOY2THEWORLD49 profile image
JOY2THEWORLD49 in reply to vbonariensis


Well, I reckon it will be your Dentist appointment.

Did you wear the thyroid apron to stop radiation from risk of damage to your thyroid?

Fluoride is bad for your thyroid too.

A clean with an exposed tooth (about to get Crown?) so exposes the nerve?

I'm about to have a tooth pulled tomorrow or filling I will start an anti-biotic 1 hour before amoxil-clav.

cheri JOY. 75. (NZ)

secondtry profile image

The Covid booster the cause of your heart issue, my guess is very likely. My understanding is the more boosters you have the more you increase the risk, complications being way above historic side effect levels from vacs made worse by the questionable need for it in the first place.

In your shoes I would be asking at the very least for a blood test for heart inflammation; you need to check but I believe this is called a Troponin test. If an issue is identified there are now protocols in this country and the States being proven to deal with such issues, try searching for FLCCC in the States and World Council for Health based in Bath, UK. I also would be wary about what GPs and consultants say about this subject matter, some good some not.

JOY2THEWORLD49 profile image
JOY2THEWORLD49 in reply to secondtry


Sounds more like the procedures he had at the dentist.

cheri JOY. 75. (NZ)

Qualipop profile image

I developed a completely new arrhythmia them morning after my last booster which has since happened another twice about 6 months apart. Had 4 days in hospital for tests and cardiologist told me he was 99% certain it had been caused by the vaccine. Heart rate was going from 50 to 170 and back again in seconds. The attacks have lasted between 4 days and 3 weeks but I'm fine inbetween. You definitely need to tell your GP or cardio.

Ppiman profile image

Who can't know, but bad luck. If you had an ECG monitor, Apple Watch, Kardia or the Wellue Touchscreen (which runs for up to five minutes), you might be able to catch the problem and see if it is AF related or whatever.

From what I have read, post vaccine issues are very unusual with the mild ones occurring in the immediate day or two afterwards, and any others within 2-3 weeks, normally. There are reports of AF following the vaccines, but - speaking from my own experience - AF is one of those things that rears its head unexpectedly at the best of times.


Hylda2 profile image

Both husband and I 80, both with pacemakers, no reaction to latest covid vaccine other than a sore arm!!

I am in the States, and it says right on our FDA website that is can cause Myocarditis, for that reason since already having PAF I decided not to get any Covid vaccines. In my understanding of viruses, once you have the virus you have natural immunity to it. My son and I had the virus before they ever announced the pandemic. It was ruff and I loss my smell and taste. The taste part was weird because everything tasted like dog poo poo. Therefore I didn't eat for about 3 days and at that point is when I started passing out. I don't know if it was because of not eating much or because of feeling so weak I couldn't get up the stairs and when I did it took all my energy and I passed out. Long answer to say, I had natural immunity to the virus and I was not going further damage my body with vaccines. They lied to us repeatedly about natural immunity but now are saying that it is better than the vaccines. No Duh!

Eastwick profile image

me too

Meg24rd profile image

I had a left branch bundle block after my 4th Covid jab which then led onto AF, GP and EP now say that although can’t prove it they believe the jabs caused it, I also react badly to flu jab, think my immune system reacts to things, hence no more for me, but husband has had all of them and no reaction, I believe the vaccine for Covid did prevent many people being seriously ill, just unfortunate for those of us who react

Glenlyon profile image

yep - it’s frightening - for me it was triggered by second Pfizer- had appropriate tests after putting up with it for a month (all ok) palpitations lasted a few months more, decreasing in frequency- at the time in Australia we only had 2 mRNA vacations to choose from - so waited for novavax to be approved - and that was less of an issue though not less enough to warrant any further vaccinations- now I mask up in taxis or public places & avoid crowds - live alone so that helps

marcyh profile image

After two Pfizers, no more for me and my cardiologist gave me a deferral for any more.

There is a mountain of research on this and it keeps growing. Links are supposed to go through admin so it's not advised to send them directly.

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