I have just had a review at GP surgery with clinical pharmacist and he informed me Edoxaban isn’t effective if weight over 120kg. Apixiban and rivaroxiban are however, both of which I didn’t get on with. I am on a weight loss programme so hopefully will soon be under that weight but this was never mentioned before and been on it for years. I am alone here or is everyone on this aware? Not sure where to go with this. He said continue and encouraged weight loss or rereview. Thanks for reading and any comments. 🦊x
weight & DOACs: I have just had a... - Atrial Fibrillati...
weight & DOACs
I wasn’t aware of this. The BNF doesn’t mention it as far as I know.
The Dresden NOAC Study referenced below does mention it but only in the management of venous thromboembolism. Further studies may follow with reference to atrial fibrillation.
Thank you for your reply and the link. Will have a look at that. Many thanks 🦊x
I am on the heavier side, but not above that weight you mention. I take Apixiban and am new to this drug. Touch wood, no side effects what so ever on it for me. Before I chose my anticoagulant, I read some articles to say about weight. I only tend to read academic research. There was a body of evidence, (although limited research as I understand it) to the efficacy of them working on heavier framed people in general as I understood. I am therefore not surprised to read what your GP says. It sounds to me though, you'll soon be under this target weight, so good luck.
Thank you for your reply. I’ve been reading up and as previous message says more of an issue with treatment of VTE. Take care 🦊x
When I was initially diagnosed with AF, I was put on warfarin because at 108kg I was too close to the 120kg limit for DOACS.I was also told that the reason for the weight limit was simply that the drug trials had not included people over 120kg so they couldn't be prescribed.
I managed to loose some weight and am now happily on apixaban.
thanks for input. Apixiban made my bones feel broken! Rivaroxiban similar so weight loss is the goal. My diabetic meds are those that help with that, the one all the Hollywood stars take to shape up! Ridiculous, fancy taking medication when it’s not needed. Take care 🦊x
Hi, Bingofox007. If you google "ETNA-AF-Europe Registry and weight" you may find some helpful information.
very many thanks for reply and info, will google that. Take care 🦊x
It seems such a wide variation in weight for the DOACs - some adults may be 45kg and others 120kg - same dose. The only change seems to be with Apixaban with age - over 80 and under 60kg, then the dose changes. Rivaroxaban does not seem to recommend a dose change other than for certain medical conditions.
thank you for your reply. It’s a minefield. Take care 🦊x