As a result of this, I had a stroke in October, right side effected, difficulty writing with left hand. Any advice or help would be appreciated. I am 90 and also have osteoporosis.
AF stroke: As a result of this, I had a... - Atrial Fibrillati...
AF stroke

Hi Gillymar,
My best friend had this happen to her a few years ago—she kept feeling fluttering or palpitations but ECG and Holter monitor and Zio event recorder didn’t catch anything out of the ordinary.
While out doing shopping, she had a stroke related to a-fib & thank goodness her husband took her straight to Emergency.
She is in her 70s & went to therapy to address body weakness caused by the stroke. She has a bit of brain fog, doesn’t drive anymore & will often use walls in her house to steady herself. She is 3 or 4 years out, & this is good as it’s going to get for her.
If you’re left handed & having problems writing, maybe ask your care team to refer you to specific therapy for that? Take care!
Hello Doggiemomma,
Nice to hear from you. Did your friend recover the. Power in her arm? I am 90 and still get no feelings in my right arm, I am right handed so life is very difficult at present for me: Ie am not very optimistic about the future, Please reply if you can,
If you have a left frontal lobe stroke right hand affected.
So as Gilymar is doing writing with left!
The hospital should send her a hand therapist. I had exercises to do.
Almost 5 years my fingers have reduced in size. But still can't quite put my dress ring back on ring hand so I wear it on my left finger.
So therapists were hand therapist and speech therapist both from hospital. Also had home help.
cheri Joy. 75. (NZ)
I wish I were able to help. Reading your post was touching and a reminder to us all of the danger AF poses. I would hope that you might still find improvements will continue and I know fro a friend who had her stroke in her late forties how difficult life can be. Having osteoporosis on top must add to your woes.
I wish you well and most of all hope you can find ways to boost your spirit and to stay hopeful.
i secound the felenkrais
Keep practising the much as you can bear it. There's always a certain amount of re-wiring that's possible in the brain and it may get easier...or a bit less difficult anyway. And moving around is good for you as well, walking anything...but perhaps not a good idea if you're unsteady. All the best.
Yes but right hand affected like mine was diagnosed as
LEFT FRONTAL LOBE Embolic Stroke. (Ischaemic)
Happened at 2am awoke with a VERY SORE HEAD and I headed back to bed! Only me here with JAZ my mini schnauzer.
Also affected was dropped right side facial drop.
Dropsy in right hand and difficult writing
Speech affected the 111 call got a person not understanding me. 2G cell didn't put me where I lived.
I was told by Speech Therapist to sing. The Stroke Sept 2019, I sung in the choir early December.
I have continually improved.
Coming up to 5 years in September I still have a slightly dropped lip.
I take CCB Diltiazem 120mg controls Heart Rate
BB Bisoprolol 2.5mg controls BP
PRADAXA 110mg x twice. My anti-co.agulant
Other as Stroke was caused by AF because of Thyroid cancer Papillary I take 125mg Synthroid early am.
I had exercises like picking up hoops to put down through hoops. Picking up smaller coins, key sorting I still have to be patient.
I cried because I couldn't talk. I got tongue twisters to say, poetry, phrases etc and sing.
You can only go up so slowly increase walking and stairs etc. Rest when you have to. I have a St John Ambulance at home. Called them out twice since, fals to be checked over.
Take care and continue to fight for successful achievement.
cheri JOY. 75. (NZ)
I had to have a driving test. I passed 10/10.