Being doctors cause feeling tired and .short of breath. He as increased bisoprolol. Do you think that will help or make me feel more tired .please
Bisoprolol : Being doctors cause... - Atrial Fibrillati...

My guess it will exacerbate the problem.
Hi Bob I thought that .doc wants me to take extra tablet.but bit scared as I feel really tired as it is .I have been reading forums on here .and a lot say nebivold is better. So might ask doc if he can change medication instead .fed up of feeling short of breath and tired
Nebivolol is quiet cardiac specific so can be given to those with asthma if suitable.
In general, increasing a beta blocker will tend to make you more tired, not less tired.
That said, your doctor may want to increase the dose for other reasons. But given you're already feeling tired on the initial dose, it might be a good time to ask about a trial on an alternate drug such as Diltiazem.
Diltiazem is in the calcium channel blocker family, and in most cases has the same therapeutic effect as a beta blocker and often with less side effects, especially fatigue.
Thank you Jim. He wants me to increase tablets tonight to bring heart rate down. But really don't want to as it makes me tired as it is
I see. Increasing the Bisoprolol should bring the heart rate down. But so would Diltiazem, or a combination of the two. Is there anyway you can reach the office?
I have messaged doctor if he can change to nebivold. But no reply yet
Nebivold is also a beta blocker. Sometimes we tolerate one beta blocker better than others, but some of us --- and I include myself here -- simply do not tolerate beta blockers as a group.
Hopefully that's not the case with you , but if it is you should try to get a prescription for the calcium channel blocker Diltiazem.
But you're certainly on the right track speaking up and asking your doctor for alternate medication's. You just have to continue doing that until you find the right combination of efficacy and tolerability.
Yes, I've been taking 10 mg a day of Bisoprolol and I'm fine. Good luck!
I went from 5–10mg for the same reason
It had helped my breathing massively I take mine at night as I have as getting to tiered of a day
in my opinion although I am a newbie increasing bisoperol for shortness of breath won't help as I was took of it for that reason and put on verapamil instead although I have asthma and was told by doctor does make asthma worse I realise we're all different though but am so much better now than when I was on it
I was, as the cardiologist called it "on a homeopathic dose of bisoprolol" of 1.25mg and I was exhausted all the time. Some cardiologists are stuck in protocols and will only dispense a restricted range of drugs- mine was one of them. I ended up having an ablation just to get off the drugs. So far it has worked (never say never!). Keep insisting to find a better quality of life solution for you. good luck. Peter
I would say yes as it lowers the heart rate too much.. it did for me.Doc changed me to Nebivolol. Check with your Doctor and good luck
For me, despite its downsides, Biso, because it is cardio specific works best for me as a rate controller. I find taking 1,25mg before I go to bed is sufficient, and minimises the tiredness (I sleep very well as I also take 0.5mg Alzam for anxiety.) I usually awake with a HR of about 65 BPM, and if it goes up to 90 BPM because I'm anxious about something (I do not count the increased HR after eating as a problem) I can take another 1.25mg to calm the heart. Verapamil seems to have no effect for me, apart from making my feet swell !!!!!
Are you in AF currently? I have found that it’s the AF that makes me out of breath rather than the Bisoprolol
Doctors like bisoprolol, and for many good reasons. It works well and is a generally safe drug that helps the heart, blood pressure and circulation. I have a particularly good relationship with the specialist I see and would trust his views always. I asked if I could (going from comments I'd read here) change to diltiazem. Definitely not was his reply: bisoprolol is the best and safest way to try to calm AF, ectopics and the heart. I had to double my bisoprolol dose following my visit to him, and this hasn't added to my tiredness at all. So taking extra, despite what some might say, doesn't necessarily make you feel more tired.
In your case, you have your thyroid dysfunction to consider, too, and you are taking other drugs for the heart and the circulation. Tiredness sounds more likely to be some aspect of that. I would be asking for another thyroid function test, perhaps?
I took Bisoprolol for 3 months and it made me so breathless, I couldn't walk 50 metres without stopping and had to crawl upstairs.Pharmacist told me that it's attracted to receptors in the lungs as well as the heart so advised me to talk to the cardiologist about Diltiazem. I was put on that instead and it made the world of difference.
When I was first hospitalised for afib the nurse produced a preventative inhaler for me to use before my first Bisoprolol dose! I have very mild asthma and had rarely bothered to use it except for the period of the year when mold allergy is worst. They knew I had asthma and obviously thought the Biso would aggravate it. Nebivolol is definitely less breathless making!
As the lowest dose of Bisoprolol (1.25) was too much for me to take daily, I would suggest you have a similar problem with it and a higher dose will make things worse!
I suffer from severe COPD and after being diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation and heart failure
Although Bisoprolol helped bring down Day Heart Rate to 156 from 186 beats per minute and alternately reduced tiredness, I still get tired.
But I have a diagnosis of Rapid, Persistent AF.
2 years 3 monthe in after Stroke, with AF and the dicovery of Papillary Thyroid cancer, the new recomended private Heart Specialist introduced CCB Calcium Channel Blocker which did the trick of bringing down my Day Heart Rate to 88-96 then losing 3 and then 6kg to 60s.
Remind your Specialist by upping the dose won't solve the problem but lowering the dose and introducing another blocker such as CCB Diltiazem might benefit and work.
BBs did not cntrol my Heart Rate Day
CCB Diltiazem 120mg (settled on) did.
The slow release means it leaves my low 47avg Night alone alone.
Metapolol especially tired me - no exertion and gave me pauses at night.
As they say it takes time - for cheese to mature, it takes time to find the right meds to help us.
With each med an interested Heart Specialist will do a 24-hr Heart Monitor Test. It will show the true story of how that med is working. Then a ECG and starting new with a Heart Specialist an ECHO.
Be assertive.
cheri JOY. 75. (NZ)
In 2015 while going through a colonoscopy I went into Afib, of course I was asleep so I didn’t experience it. A 24 hour shoulder holister reading showed nothing.
In 2020, I was scheduled for a colonoscopy, once I was hooked to monitors it showed I was experiencing Afib. It took a while for my heart rate to go down, so my colonoscopy was canceled. I felt no discomfort or pain.
I started seeing a cardiologist who prescribed Eliquis, I started feeling so tired & sick feeling while taking it. About a year ago, I started on Warfarin, which I do ok with
I still have not felt any pain or discomfort with Afib, even last fall when I wore a monitor for 30 days. The test showed I experienced 27 Afib in that 30 days & I didn’t feel a thing!
I continually feel fatigued everyday even though I average 8 to 9 hours of sleep each night. I have sleep apnea so I have been using a BIBAP ResMed sleep machine which is good.
I take multivitamins, etc., nothing seems to help me. My tiredness & fatigue is negatively affecting my life, where I spend more time in my recliner than being up & getting things done.
Has anyone else experienced this & if so what did you do?
When I was first prescribed bisoprolol it was OK for a while, I had to have my dosage reduced, again this was OK till I passed out on the surgery waiting room floor, this then put my dosage back up to where I was in the beginning and I have been OK since, sometimes your body needs to adjust and it can take several months for it to do so, hope you get sorted soon , take care