hi I was diagnosed with AF three months ago was prescribed Apixoban and bisoperol I have had no problems and my AF was controlled however last week I went to AE as had breathing difficulties when I got to AE my heart rate blood pressure was fine on seeing the doctor said asthma not good gave me prednisolone and then put a nebuliser on my face after ten minutes it was took off then put it back again after few mins had horrible banging in my chest my heart rate went nto 210 rushed me to ressus and was put on a drip for 24 hours the morning after consultant came said it can happen with some people however he has took me off bisoperol as said it can make asthma worse so am now on verapamil instead of bisoperol kept on apixoban though he said never to let anyone use a nebuliser on meim out of hospital now and everything seems fine was very scary though wondered if any one else has had an issue
AF with asthma: hi I was diagnosed with... - Atrial Fibrillati...
AF with asthma

This is quite so with bisoprolol. I don't have asthma but it made me very breathless and fatigued even when doing nothing so I was taken off. My wife has asthma and I just can't think what she would have been like had she been given bisoprolol. Good Luck with verapamil I couldn't get on with any of these medications so was taken off. They all made me feel worse than the AF.
thanks for your reply early days yet on verapamil but so far so good no issues yet
Hope this is the right medication for you. I was always fine for about 3 to 4 weeks and then all the side effects kicked in. Good Luck
As soon as I was diagnosed with AF the Cardiologist took away all my asthma meds (I have adult-onset Asthma which is not too severe) except Symbicord (t) - I think it's spelt with a 't' in other countries, I'm in South Africa. He put me on Bisoprolol (1.25mg) and is adamant that these 3rd generation BBs do not affect the lungs (2 other Cardios have said the same)! So I take 120mg Verapamil (which has little effect on my HR) and 10mg Lisinopril for BP) and Xarelto. I only have to take the Biso if I feel my HR is getting too high (I usually take it when it's in the 90s). I have chronic bronchitis (mild COPD), so sometimes my breathing is affected, but it's because of that.
Thanks for your reply the verapamil seems to suit me only been on it a week but has kept my heart rate stable plus have been checking blood pressure every day since coming out of hospital so when I go back to hospital for a check I can show them every thing is ok my Fitbit I wear to keep a check on heart rate seems accurate as had same reading as hospital monitor first time I want
You shouldn’t have been put on bisoprolol! A hospital cardiologist insisted I add it to my meds, against my GPs judgement, after a few days I had an episode when I felt as if I was choking and took doses of my inhaler one after another until I could breathe again. You shouldn’t have a problem with verapamil, I take diltiazem, also a Calcium Channel Blocker. I have a combi inhaler so that I seldom have to use a Ventolin (reliever) inhaler as Ventolin and AF aren’t a good mix. Hope that helps.
hi thank you for replying I have been given a preventer inhaler to use morning and night twice a day called luforbec which is brilliant I have a reliever sabutomol told to use sparingly but haven't needed it which is good am very wary of it anyway as it was sabutomol that was in the nebuliser
Yes, the first Cardio I saw immediately forbade Salbutamol or any of its generics , all of which are freely available over the counter here and much cheaper than Ventolin, the original, but Symbicord was OK and so was Biso!!!! When I was visiting my sister in England, I contracted a chest infection and she packed me off to her GP surgery where I saw a nurse who prescribed Ventolin, prednisolone and Doxycycline. Two things surprised me, that the NHS should use Ventolin when there are so many cheaper generics (I can only assume they have a special deal with the manufacturers), and Doxycycline which I had only ever been given by the Vet for my dog with Biliary Fever ! When I asked if I could have nebulising solutions as my GP prescribes them if I have a chest problem- I could easily buy a machine they are cheap enough, she said they are only used in hospitals! I found that hard to believe as even nebulising a saline solution is beneficial, and no prescription is required.Anyhow, I did not use the Ventolin which came with a spacer thing - had to go to my GP when I got home, who was also surprised about the Doxycycline, as generally most doctors only prescribe it for Acne these days.!!!!!!!
What is a combi inhaler?
Mine has a mixture of budesonide and formotorol - a preventer+ reliever in one. Budesonide is a type of corticosteroid and formotorol is a long acting bronchodilator. It can also be used in an emergency, though not as quick acting as salbutamol it’s better for AF.
OK thanks! I use a run of the mill ventolin but I don't have asthma. I have a huge over- reaction if even a tiny drop of water goes the wrong way . I inhale deeply, gulp , inhale deeply , gulp and this goes on for what seems to be ages but never longer than a minute. I am totally unable to exhale. It's pretty awful. For the first time it happened while I was under GA having my ablation ( probably when the nurse was aspirating my airways). An Asthma attack I believe leaves you unable to inhale or exhale ? I hope one day I hear from or meet someone who has experienced this as it perplexes my drs and me! 🙂
Yes unfortunately Bisoprolol does not agree with us asthmatics. I became very wheezy on it and almost felt like I stopped breathing. I was put on veraprimil but that didn't quite agree with me either gave me nasty migranes. I'm now on Diltiazem which for me works well.
Hi,I suffer with af with rvr, had four episodes the last one recently.I am also an asthmatic. I went to hospital ed years ago for bad asthma attack (before bisoprolol) and they gave me a boost, which is a heap of asthma sprays at once, it triggered my second episode, went straight up to 210,220 same as you rushed to resist etc.Atrivent was the worse trigger but I am careful with my asthma sprays now, Prednisone is what my doctor and I use. Treatment for asthma with sprays or nebuliser are 100% a trigger for rapid af.
I have been on bisoprolol for two and a half years and only recently had an af episode but they now want me on sotalol. Bisoprolol was fine for me and didn't increase my asthma.
Hope this helps.
I have both asthma and AF. When I was first diagnosed I was told I should take dilitiazem as bisoprolol would give me the problems you have described. I am surprised they gave that to you. If you still feel bad on it don't hesitate to speak to your doctor again.
it's amazing how opinions differ among these professionals, I have been told by 3 Cardiologists that Cardicor (Bisoprolol) is third generation and cardiac specific and will not affect my lungs .
Bisoprolol and asthma are not a good mix. I had terrible breathing problems on bisoprolol despite not having active asthma for many years. I was prescribed an asthma pump just for the time of taking the beta blocker but ultimately had to come off bisoprolol. Haven't used the pump since. Hope you find the right meds for you now.
yes they took me off bisoperol am now on verapamil so far so good
How frightening for you, hope things go better from now on.I was diagnosed last week and given bisoprolol despite having asthma. I had to go to hospital yesterday with breathing problems as well. Luckily, it was relatively mild and the doctor has decided to keep me on bisoprolol until I see the cardiologist. I take Simbicort, which is a combi preventer and reliever for asthma, rather than the traditional preventer+salbutamol/ventolin, and have found it's very good.
sorry to hear that hope you're asthma doesn't get worse Ill bear that in mind about the simbicort as I'm very wary of using the sabutomol inhaler doctor said as long as I don't go mad with it but find the luforbec preventer excellent and haven't needed to use the sabutomol so a combi is a preventer and reliever combined thank you
IMy asthma has been really well controlled for over 20 years. I was initially on bisoprolol, really breathless so increased to 10mg! Luckily my cardiologist changed me to Nebivolol, no issues since and I'm on a very low dose. I'm also on a preventer inhaler, Seretide that suits me really well.
I have had mild asthma since I was in my late 20s - brought on by a bad reaction to a course of injections meant to treat allergic rhinitis caused by various allergens. When first hospitalised with afib I was put on 5mg Bisoprolol by the hospital cardiologist. A nurse came along with a preventative inhaler to use before taking the pill! So they know it worsens asthma. I hardly ever used the preventative inhaler prescribed by my GP - usually only in Autumn when my mold allergy would flare up. After a week on the Bisoprolol 5mg I felt like a zombie and my breathing was poor . I now take a tiny dose of Nebivolol but have to use my preventative inhaler - only once a day though. I have no problem with moderate use of Ventolin and never have had. I might try coming off the Nebivolol altogether to see if I can do without the Symbicort.
I have PAF and also emphysema.....I take Rivaroxaban and Atenolol plus Ramipril. I've taken them for many years with no problems. For the emphysema i have inhalers. When first diagnosed with PAF i was given bisoprolol and it made me feel so ill i was taken off it again and given Atenolol which is fine. I hope you get yours sorted out.
Kelly I was given a steroid for a skin rash and within hours I flipped into AF. The Steriod Prednisone may have been the culprit. You need to ask the Cardiologist if this is the case
yes I had prednisolone only Two weeks before no problem was only when they put nebuliser on me I had to rip it of I have controlled AF but the nebuliser just sent my heart rate almost immediately said it can happen will never go near a nebuliser again
I’d still check with doctor as nebulisers for asthma have a certain amount of steroids in them and when inhaled in the form of mist in helps with inflammation of the lungs.
Hope things settle for you
I’m asthmatic and can’t tolerate beta blockers, so taken off bisoprolol and put on a calcium channel blocker, diltiazem, instead.
I don't have asthma, but when I was given prednisone for another ailment, it gave me one of the worst a-fib episodes I ever had. I just can't tolerate it.
Very sorry that happened to you. Hope you are feeling better.
I have mild asthma. Docs put me on Fostair 10 years ago. I asked what about the AF. They said just try it and see!!! - still take one puff a day but doesnt seem to be a trigger.
Bisoprolol gives a different sort of breathlessness in me, slightly out of breath but not the heavy tightness you get when your chest is bad
I have adult onset Asthma and AFib. I take bisoprolol (2.5) and apixaban.I use Zenhale, Omnaris and Spiriva for the asthma.
Never heard about not taking bisoprolol but I did reduce it from 5.0.
Interesting to hear.
I suggest you monitor closely and got to emergency if anything abnormal happens.
My sister has afib and asthma, she's on verapimil..as far as I know, asthmatics can't use beta blockers, only calcium channel blockers..