I am awaiting a Cardioversion in March (my third) I’ve felt unwell and taken to my bed for last 2 days. days. Painful trachea/chest/back. Breathing laboured. I’ve been taking 1000mg paracetamol but it doesn’t help. Tried to message via Askmygp for appointment/advice but request function not working. Rang Receptionist at Doctors told her symptoms etc and she told me to ring tomorrow. I felt like asking for a home visit but a telephone conversation with a Doctor wasn’t available so I assumed it unlikely I would get a visit. Has anyone experienced these sort of symptoms and any advice please? I’m 76 and live on my own so feeling vulnerable.
Trachea and sternum/chest/back painful - Atrial Fibrillati...
Trachea and sternum/chest/back painful
I'm surprised that your surgery wasn't more helpful as you sound very compromised. I would phone 111 for advice . They may be able to send out paramedic to assess you.

I'm a bit older and had a nasty virus (not COvid) now for 15 days with constant coughing aches and pains etc many caused by such violent coughing. Despite the last two weeks with mee in a spare room my wife now has is. As they always say, "theres a lot of it about"
If all else fails try 111.
Rang 111 and off to hospital. Diagnosis lung infection 😐
I think you’re right about home visits - do GPs even do them these days?? 😕 But I feel like they should have suggested more than just to ring back tomorrow. Hopefully it’s a virus that will pass, but with being on your own and feeling so unwell with chest/breathing symptoms, I’d ring 111 for advice. Like jalia says, they might send out paramedics to check you over. Or if they arrange speaking to a duty doctor, even that might help. X
Thankyou I did ring 111. Ambulance came and took me to hospital where they diagnosed a lung infection. Doctors used to want to heal the sick!
You poor thing! I'm glad you got some proper attention. I think we have to really not take no for an answer these days - the 'gatekeeping' can be hard to get past.
Hope you feel much better very soon.

Oh well done! That must be a relief to get some answers, and to be treated. Hope you can rest up and recover now. Thanks so much for letting us know.
yes I rang 111 and got a lovely crew who bundled me off to hospital. Diagnosis lung infection 😐
I wouldn’t take the receptionist’s advice on this, you called because you wanted some professional advice from a medic as you feel vulnerable. You have every right to ring 111 for advice and I would encourage you to do so.
Best Wishes
Yes! I did! Took me off to hospital where a lung infection diagnosed😐

Glad you got the attention you needed, hope the treatment clears it up soon for you. It’s a shame your surgery was not more supportive but I’m afraid it’s a familiar story.
Get well soon.
Yes it’s very sad that the staff in Doctors’ surgeries have been trained to be gatekeepers and badly trained at that! They really shouldn’t be carrying out what amounts to be triage. I think Doctors are quite happy about this regime that’s been created. I mourn the loss of a great surgery I used in Surrey where everybody tried their utmost to accommodate you being seen and the doctors weren’t afraid of a day’s work…….
Good morning.....why don't you give 111 a call. If you have not had a cold or don't have a temperature or flu symptoms it could be a chest infection or something else causing you to feel unwell which needs checking out quickly. Explain that you are scared and vulnerable and as someone else has mentioned, they might send an ambulance so that a paramedic can check you over. Don't feel like you are wasting anyone's time If you are feeling poorly. If you have taken to your bed and it's not what you would normally do then I would definitely say you need just to be checked over to be on the safe side. Hope you feel better soon xx
Many thanks for advice and yes I am always trying ‘not to cause any trouble’ I rang 111 who were marvellous and took me to hospital. Lung infection😐

There you go....I'm glad you did that before it turned to anything nasty. Even though the NHS is so stretched at the moment, you shouldn't feel bad for calling them, especially if you feel really unwell. I am also sure they would rather see you to check you over rather than you be admitted to hospital to take up a bed. I hope you improve soon and I'm sure you already feel better for just knowing what is wrong. Take care xx
Thankyou so much for your good wishes and it’s amazing knowing what the problem is and that you’ll be on the mend. Psychologically it’s a definite booster!

Sometimes a bit of reassurance goes a long way and especially when you are on your own and feel vulnerable . I am glad you were given that reassurance at the hospital and you can now concentrate on getting better. Don't ever worry about contacting emergency services if you really don't feel well and your surgery aren't listening. Chest or any thoracic pain can be such a worry and needs checking. Get well soon xx
I have to say they were marvellous! Better to be safe than sorry is their mantra!
Laboured breathing is an emergency so definitely call 111! If you haven’t already….And tell us how you get on ❤️🩹
I did ring 111 as many told me to and paramedics took me to hospital. Lung infection😐

Glad you’re being cared for now! Hope you recover quickly
I did ring 111 as many told me to and paramedics took me to hospital. Lung infection😐