Just checking in , after my review with my Electrophysiologist . 2nd Ablation was Feb 23rd 2022.
He says I am doing very well, for where I was in persistent and a lot of arrythmias, when he ablated.
Also on my asking about prognosis that hopefully this will now sustain, with v short episodes of AF, as is the case now 2 mins or so, a month or less. (I think half an hr, in May, bit of a blip then). Would also like to make it less, or gone.
I asked him hoe does this compare to the general population and he said they don't have the data. Nor for follow ups longer than 3-5 years. He said people don't stick with the research. (Though I wonder if a few people in here would do it, for peace of mind, more access to care)
I have my BP well controlled now, which helps.
I also told my EP I still take 1.25mg bi-daily. As when I don't I seem to get chest pains. Plus I have felt my return to exercise fitness has been slow, still behind older or v average runner/cycling friends. Am also definitely not over pushing myself.
He said he thought the 1.25mg might be putting the breaks on. Yet such a low dose, may not be doing much for my heart. So I left wondering about trying to wean off, which I still haven't done yet.
Yesterday I cycled to work, my usual route and my HR went up quite high, no AF or arrythmia but got 135 intensity points in one day (garmin watch HR monitor). HR peaked at 144 on my Garmin whereas other days, same distance/effort I may get O and HR stays at 105/10, on or off the betablocker.
Plus yesterday I definitely did use the betablocker 1.25mg am.
Today, working from home, I have been getting mild chest pains and resting HR up to 70bpm -75, which is high for me. I took another 1.25mg today, when it was clear it wasn't going down. Ectopics maybe. It's now settled.
Anyways, in brief appreciate hearing how others are doing in working to keep the AF away??
What are you finding useful to work on, for longer term recovery and giving it a best chance of not coming back. Or what have you been advised?
EP has ordered a CT angiogram, re the chest pain.
I am aware of advice on weight, stress etc
Be great to hear experiences and thoughts