Hi, I am wondering if anyone can shed some light on this. I had a PVI ablation in April and all fine since, no AF. Some ectopics but always expected that. I wear an apple watch set to monitor for AF and I wear it at night too. Strangely on 3 occasions in the early hours it has picked up a very fast heart rate of 125 bpm or so for about 15/20 minutes. These have never woken me up and have not triggered AF notifications. Breathing rate stays consistent at 14-18 per minute. Nothing I can associate them with (e.g. nightmares) or any other triggers. The rest of the day and night are absolutely fine, no fast heart rate episodes while resting. BMI is 22, no sleep apnea or other medical issues. Age 60. Average heart rate while sleeping 58 bpm. Not on any medication other than a statin, Lipitor. What do you think? Thanks!
Fast heart rate episodes whilst sleeping - Atrial Fibrillati...
Fast heart rate episodes whilst sleeping

I think you should consider not wearing your gismo if you are otherwise unaware of these events . Another example of worry from nowhere.
Thanks for the reply. You could say that about any medical device designed to keep an eye on things in the background, especially for AF which can be asymptomatic. I'm not worried, more curious as it's usually very reliable with its recording and data.
heart rate of 125 bpm or so for about 15/20 minutes
When I began this afib journey, I had a similar reading while wearing a Zio Patch for 2 weeks but rate did not stay up that long.
Best to discuss with your doctor for any concern and consider wearing a holter monitor or other medical device for an extended period.
I also wear iWatch and have noticed some irregularities during sleep with occasional very low dips and occasional spikes. I have put it down to changing position and watch losing good skin contact.
I like the feedback from these devices but have found that my body’s feedback is often more reliable.
There are quite a few reasons why you might experience tachycardia during sleep. If I were to take a stab in the dark, I'd say you are experiencing a release of adrenaline (fight or flight), possibly due to dreams or maybe an ectopic beat here or there. Your resp. rate isn't increasing because your sats are probably staying above 93%/94% and your HR is only reaching 125bpm for a short(ish) time.
Not a concern if you remain in sinus tachycardia (at 125/130 for a short period is fine) throughout, and the onset is gradual.
I don’t wear an Apple Watch but more nights than not I get woken with brief episodes of faster and sometimes pounding heart. Mine usually last less than a minute. Increase gradually peaks and slows. Tends to happen at same times at night or wakes me from bad dream, just cortisol/adrenalin peaks am sensitive to them . Not saying yours are the same thing but think palpitations at night quite common
Thanks for the reply. Very helpful. It’s that they don’t wake me that surprises me. AF episodes always did and I’m quite a light sleeper.
Hi there, I get this but it wakes me and then I often go into afib.If you have (or had afib - there's no cure), I have to ask why you are not on an anticoagulant, do you score low? Are you under 65 with no other risk factors? My EP says I need to be on an anticoagulant even when I have had an ablation which I am waiting for.
I had an RF ablation last year and have since had a couple of episodes of fast regular HR in the night that woke me up and lasted between 10" to more than an hour in one instance . The rate was ok - about 110 - 120 bpm. Just took some Bisoprolol . 🙂
Hi, the watch is most unlikely to alert you to a short episode of AF if there was one, you will get more of an indication from Heart Rate Variability if something is going on. Here’s a link to my reply to a previous post.
Hope this helps