Had my covid booster Thursday and yesterday evening AF started, continued most of night, and has stopped mid morning. I didn’t have symptoms, other than being aware of my abnormal heartbeat. It was mor abnormal than usual. It has been more frequent recently and I am seeing a cardio through Benenden, so not exactly privately, as wait for NHS cardio is almost a year. I will ask about ablation and PIP. But is the advice all are given, what I should stick to ie only go to hospital if feel unwell or have chest pain? Was thinking of ringing 111 for advice as it’s weekend as not sure how much extra bisoprolol is safe to take as PIP. I’m on 5mg daily, took an extra 2.5 last night and it did nothing. Sorry for long post but feel very stressed and worried.
Worsening AF: Had my covid booster... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Worsening AF

If you cannot control your rate at home and/or concerned about your symptons, call 111 or go to the A&E.
If your heart rate has settled, then I can't see the point of contacting anyone now. What you should do is enter your reaction to the covid jab on to the Yellow Card system online.
Good advice. Link to yellow card reporting is here: yellowcard.mhra.gov.uk/
Hi, I had my Covid booster yesterday and pleased to say no side effects yet, not even the promised headache! Unlike the flu jab which gave me ‘minimini flu’ and AF…..But to your question, before I went in I was told that if I developed palpitations, chest pain or difficulty breathing I should call 111. So I queried the palpitation direction because I have paroxysmal AF and generally cope without calling anybody. The answer was that if the palpitations feel different to what I am used to I should call. My palpitations with AF vary a lot so wondering what ‘different’ ones feel like but hope not to find out! Hope that helps but if in doubt I would call for reassurance.
Unfortunately this seems to be happening to some people following the vaccine or an infection. What is your HR? If you feel ill or heart rate is very high then certainly go to A&E but my personal experience is that they will not advise unless there happens to be a cardiologist in the department but they may monitor you. Anything to do with heart then 111 usually call an ambulance or tell you to go to A&E.
Hello, can I ask if you take vitamins or minerals? Just asking as my brother had a similar thing when he had his third jab (Moderna) and it left him in a state. He found that by taking magnesium and then fairly large amounts ts of B12 that he eventually managed to relieve his symptoms bringing down his HR and BP to very nearly normal- though he had never managed to get back into sinus since after nearly a year? 😵💫
It appears from reports here and elsewhere that (for me at least) the reports of heart complications from the booster are too high; this of course does not affect everybody the same. You appear to be susceptible so in your shoes I would not have any more as the risk outweighs the benefit.
Moderate exercise and reduce all other potential exacerbators in the hope the heart settles down soon. Full discussion with cardiologist needed.
Strictly it was not proven that it was the COVID jab.
I've had 5 and only 2nd one not put into the muscle (which is a must) I had an allergy on the spot. I ended up immediately that night with a big bright red spot, so itchy.
Chemist send picture to my Dr and I was given a skin antibiotic.
cheri JOY. 74. (NZ)
Hello, my brother had third (1&2 were Astra zenica) Covid jab, Moderna, about a year ago now and it triggered his AF. I would say it worsened his condition and he hasn’t been able to go back into sinus since. Though we did get a massive improvement using loading level doses of B12 strangely enough? Over last year he had realised that he felt much better with it and was having it daily using tablets, patches. under tongues and IM . He recently had a relapse and had to go into hospital though as he had been busy and not taken his vitamins and minerals for a while-fool that he is!!! 😡
Do report this :yellowcard.mhra.gov.uk/
Yes had a flu & covid jab last weekend had alot more af with very fast heart rate, lasted a couple of days then back to its usual very few days 🥰
I have read and researched the vaccine along with side effects and I refuse that shot. Too many lives lost because of it. I'm sure this post will not be shown, but at least I tried. Please open your mind and look at all information. Not just what the media is saying. Doctors are told they will lose their license if they are honest with their patients and tell them the truth. Many athletes are dying during games after taking that shot. I've had two friends die withing three days of taking that shot. Their hearts stopped. I am 78 years old, have COPD, have AF, high blood pressure and had the virus twice with no serious problems. Like I said, that shot will never enter my body!
myocarditis inflammation of the heart, I've heard to many negatives with the vaccine
I,m certain that the 2nd booster kicked my A F off again, in the end i had an ablation . Definitely wont be getting anymore.
AF itself is so variable - and the responses to the COVID vaccines probably even more so, therefore I think advocating a particular stance on continued vaccine uptake is unhelpful. Everyone needs to make their own decision based on their experience of living with the condition. I consider myself lucky in that my episodes of AF have been extremely short in duration and extremely rare. Diagnosed in Scotland in 2007 at age 51, I have taken bisoprolol, arrythmol, lisinopril and an anticoagulant (currently edoxaban) every day since. For the last 5 years I have taken magnesium taurate and vitamin D every day too. I've now had two AZ vaccines, one Moderna booster and last week I had Pfizer booster - so now I have the full set. Not one of these have given me any local, general systemic or AF related effects (only flu vaccines give me a sore arm for 24 hours) but in between I have managed to contract COVID twice with mild symptoms only on both occasions.