I had a catheter ablation on Wednesday. Up till now, I was not really getting many problems with my heart, but since early this morning, I’ve had quite a lot of episodes of missing heartbeats, some go on longer than others and it feels like my heart is going to stop. The beat is not the same as the AFib. I know this happens, but it is worrying and I wonder (a) how long has it lasted with others and did it feel similar to how I’ve described and (b) how did you cope with it( I’ve tried breathing deeply, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t) I try not to get panicky, but it’s does worry me. Any tips on coping with this would be gratefully received.It’s making me feel a little depressed.
rogue beats: I had a catheter ablation... - Atrial Fibrillati...
rogue beats

Try not to worry, sometimes AF gets a bit peed off at the attempts to thwart it and tries to return which is why we sometimes get so strange sensations early in the recovery process. Try lots of deep, long breaths and be sure to keep well hydrated. Once it realises that you are a stubborn chick, it’s likely to concede so try and remain calm………..

Thank you Flapjack. It feels alarming and I’m trying hard to do the things that are on the AFA leaflet, which is the best information sheet I’ve read. It gives you far more information than the others, I’ve read. The hospital one hasn’t anywhere near as much information. At least that has a phone number of the cardiac nurses, should I need them. I do get a bit anxious from time to time, something I’ve suffered with on and off with for years. I surprised myself that I actually managed to go through with the ablation. That was thanks, in part, to the help from this website, for which I am very grateful.
Sounds like ectopics, caused as Flapjack said.
Thanks, it’s just getting me down a bit.
It's hard to put it to one side when we feel our hearts are playing up. My EP told me the heart likes being in AF and other arrhythmia! Think that " this too shall pass"... it will . Your heart has had interference and is reacting.
Going forward, it will calm down,sooner than you think. Hardest at night when we have less to distract us.
Perhaps try to read, listen to music... we know how you feel, not alone or silly.
I don't think they should call ablation a " proceedure" to me it's an operation on my heart. It downgrades the enormity of what has been done ,let's face it ,its not like having your ears syringed is it lol?!
Hang on in there now... xxxxx
thank you Wilsond. I hope it does. You’re right. Your heart has been burnt, so it’s not exactly a minor procedure. Wish it was like having ears syringed.!! I’m actually having my ears done by micro suction on Wednesday. They’re coming out to my house.
I get ectopic quite a lot and they really do wear you down mentally. Deoves aniexity through the roof which can then make them even worse! I have also had what seemed like a long pause. Literally like the heart had stopped for maybe about up to 7 seconds. Even feel no pulse. I could be perfectly fine and then...oh my god. My heart has stopped. Then go slightly light headed then after a few seconds seems like my heart jitters and slowly gets back into sync. This has probably happened a few times since I had a HA and heart failure since 2019. The cardiologist doesn't seem all too concerned.
I know the odd time it felt like a cluster of ectopic together. But the last time it happened a month ago, it did feel like stopped. So yeah pretty scary. I am hoping it is just a longer pause than usual.
With being on betas and entresto but more recently the diabetes medicine, Dapagliflozin. I have noticed things have calmed right down. The beats are nice in sync, very few ectopic (except that one big one).
I found over the years the only thing that really works to get things right, is exercise.
Poor you. It must be awful having a heart attack and then heart failure. I shouldn’t complain.I’ve got the same sensation with my heart, it feels like it’s stopping for a few seconds. Horrible sensation. Hopefully it’ll go away when the blanking period is over.🤞🤞 Hope you get on ok
"The cardiologist doesn't seem all too concerned" If only I was paid £1 every time I read those words on this forum I could have retired already! WHY IS THAT? What is wrong with cardiologists? Doesn't how THE PATIENT feels matter?
Are you still on any meds ( apart from anti- coags)?I was taken off all meds from one day to the next following the ablation. Had a few probs and was started on Flecainide again and Bisoprolol. But I started suffering from very slow beats , ectopics and long pauses which made me nearly pass out. So the EP took me off the meds again. I had been OK on Flec before my ablation but the EP said it was probably the Flec which can be pro-arrythmic. But it is very early days and as already said your heart has been roughed- up and is healing. Recovery can be a rough road for many of us but in the end it is worth it!
Take care.
Thanks Lily Pocket. All helpful replies. Very reassuring, which is what I needed.Day 6 post ablation today. I am on Sotalol, which I’ve been taking for a long time. My dose was gradually increased and I was on 80mg in the morning and 120mg at night. They’ve just reduced the evening dose to 80mg. I had to come off them for 2 days before the ablation and stopping them suddenly, set my AFib off, so I was in A&E the day before my procedure and they transferred me to the Glenfield, where I was having it done.( I was told by Drs, that I have to go into A&E when I get AFib, as my heart rate and blood pressure soar and it’s not wise for me to stay at home.). So I shall have to come off them very slowly, if they decide to stop them. Obviously will probably stay on anti-coagulants.
Yes I think the mistake my EP made was taking me off all meds the day after my ablation. Bisoprolol needs to be weaned off. So probably explains the rocky moments I had. Many drs advise staying on meds during the blanking period while the heart heals. So all this is normal. Let us know how you progress 🙂
Thanks. I will. Helpful site this is. I suppose they have to take you off the heart medication, when you have an ablation, as they have to put your heart into AFib to find where to burn it
Yes but what I mean is they had no intention of me being put back on them after the ablation which I think is a mistake and slows recovery of the heart. But just my opinion 😉Take care x
Dear Chick, I’m struggling to understand this. Of course I appreciate that we’re all different, but my first ablation is due - last one was postponed due to a booking error- on October 24 th in St Barts.
I have been told to stay on all my meds and even to take in the morning of the procedure!😬😬
I am under Glenfield and awaiting an ablation. Who did yours and how long did you wait?
Hi Karendeena. I am under Dr Sandilands. He said he has done over 2000 ablations, so if you have him, you’re in very experienced hands. They looked after me very well at Glenfield. It was the Drs strike while I was in there and there wasn’t many patients in the ward I was in, but Dr Sandilands worked through it, thank goodness, as I thought it would be cancelled. I was put on the waiting list in May 2022, so I had a 16 month wait for it.
I really feel for you. 🥲🫠🥲🫠
It’s a week ago now, so just reliving it, — you know, this time last week!!! I think I’m beginning to get over it now and yesterday was better. I even went to my WI craft group last night and made 3 pairs of earrings.!!
I’m impressed! So glad that things are settling down a bit now!
Yes, it must depend on a few things (re the stopping of meds, I just suppose we have to all go with the advice given!
I live in Taunton but after my ablation in London I’ll be saying with a friend.
I know it’s hard to say, but do you think I’ll be ok to get the coach home after staying with them for three nights? 🫠🤔
The hospital said in their information that you need someone with you when you go home and they suggested you didn’t go home on public transport, but that was when you were released from hospital.Perhaps you could ask the hospital where you’re going to and see what they say about it.I didn’t feel like going out until a couple of days ago, which was 5 days after my ablation.Maybe you could stay another day or two at your friends. Taunton is quite a way from London.
As everyone else has mentioned, this is the AF trying it on but your heart should calm over time. Best thing is to try to keep calm and if you can't, get in touch with your cardio nurses for reassurance. Take your time and rest a lot. Best wishes.
Coenzyme Q10 fixed that for me post ablation last Dec. Nsr since
I’ve been taking 100mg of that for ages, plus 500mg Omega 3, magnesium, multi vitamins and pro-biotics. I’d researched everything and they all mix ok and have been checked by the GP. Don’t know if all these do what they’re supposed to do, but I’m sure they help my heart and my general health and immune system.
No experience of ablation b ut I sometimes get those sudden heavy ectopics when everything starts to go black and the gap is so long I feel as if I will pass out; had them albeit rarely , for years. I just thump my chest. They are completely different to my arrhythmias. They are very strong and sometimes hurt. Cardio isn't interested.
It’s not very nice when your heart jumps around, but I suppose, if the Drs aren’t interested, it must mean they aren’t worried about it, so at least that’s a good thing.
I am still getting some ectopics and a couple of episodes of svt's since my ablation in May.
Svts always at 1am for some reason. I have just had Covid, and had a night of ectopics when running a fever as well
The pauses can be disconcerting,
Take it easy as I found the fatigue the worst part when tried to do the simplest of tasks
Hooe you’ve recovered from Covid. I had it in February.I didn’tknow I had it, but my AFib started and I always have to go to A&E, (Doctors orders, ) as my blood pressure and heart rate soar . They did a Covid test there and it was positive. I had no symptoms, just a little cough, which wasn’t bothering me, but they said it was likely the Covid set it off.
My heartbeat wasn’t too bad yesterday, but they are certainly disconcerting. Trouble is, you only know if an ablation has been successful, if you don’t get AFib again. I didn’t get it very often, anyway. Hopefully I’ll not get it again, who knows, but I expect it’ll always be in the back of my mind, wondering if it’ll return.
I think we all hope its gone, but the EP said it was 70% chance of success and may need a few goes at it.
I think we had the latest Covid mutation. It certainly wasnt mild but the nasty symptoms were short lived, and I still am coughing up stuff. My wife had it much worse and is just starting to get better after 4 weeks. She had a sore throat which I never had.
Just had the supermarket shopping delivered and the driver was saying its all over the area this week (Durham).
Durham is where my and husband and his family come from. Not sure how bad it is in Leicestershire. I have my flu and covid jab on Saturday and I contacted the hospital to ask if it’s ok to have them together and they said it would be best to have them 2 weeks apart, so was wondering which was the best one to have first. Maybe the Covid would be better first, it seems to spreading round more again now.
My heart was all over the place after my ablation. I was not on any heart meds either. My EP took me off of them before the procedure. After a few days, it was better, and weeks later most of the ectopics (extra beats) were gone. Five years later, I still get ectopics, but not the constant ones I experienced after the ablation. However, certain foods and such can still cause ectopics that make feel really uncomfortable for a day or two and I have found that to my new normal. I have had no AF since the ablation however and still not on any heart meds.