After a 7 day holter test and A&E visits for excessive ectopics, my cardiologist wrote to my GP. I am intolerant of most medication and had tried most medications before a successful ablation last October. The cardiologist suggested I try either beta blockers or dronedarone as the only medication that i have not tried. Couldn't get to see my GP but she rang me. She will not prescribe beta blockers as I have asthma, lowish blood pressure and a resting heart rate of 55. She is loath to prescribe dronedarone because of all the monitoring required, the low resting heart rate and the fact that i did not tolerate amiodorane. She suggested that I keep a diary of my symptoms. Where do I go from here? I feel abandoned because of my inability to tolerate most medications.
Stuck in the middle : After a 7 day... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Stuck in the middle

sounds really annoying. I can’t provide any advice but am Curious to know what volume of ectopics you are experiencing? I have a frontier x device which is on a chest strap (not cheap) but you can wear it all the time to monitor rhythm. I am doing that to monitor ectopics which is a frustrating experience I have to say. So I can offer sympathy but looking to see what others say.
Thanks for the reply. The number of ectopics varies enormously. Sometimes lasts for just 20 minutes or so, sometimes it goes on for hours. Sometimes every 3rd heart beat sometimes up to every 10th. Often starts half an hour or so after I eat but I can't establish a pattern or find anything that triggers it. At its worst I have no option but to go to bed and try and sleep it out. My resting heart rate is around 55 (I'm 70). It came down from around 68 after my ablation last October. The only medication I take is 8mg candersartan as I can't tolerate any of the heart medications or blood thinners.
Have you tried magnesium? This can sometimes lessen ectopics.
Ah, that’s a shame. Were you taking a very high dose each day for a while? I’m just intrigued., as normally people are quite low in magnesium. Reaching g a ‘happy medium’ can be quite tricky I know.
Wow, that is a very large dose 😳, were you advised to take that large amount? - I didn’t actually know they came in such a big dose as that in one capsule, especially to take in one go. I‘ve recently increased from 450 and now take just over 600 during a day, as my levels are still quite low due to a recent blood test, but I take it in three increments throughout each day. It sounds like it might have been such a large dose that might have caused your dizziness ( though I’m no expert).
Women are generally recommended to take 350 mg magnesium a day, but we are all different and some ( like me it seems)need more. Some just don’t absorb well…but that was a very large amount you were taking, also assuming you didn’t start with a lower dose to begin with.
Can you see a functional medicine doctor who can prescribe compounded meds? I have to have my thyroid meds compounded due to reactions to fillers in pharma meds.
Hi, Most medications have side effects especially for 1st month until your body sorts itself out. Some side effects will always be there, like tiredness with beta blockers. It really may come down to what you are willing to tolerate/risk. I would have expected you to be on blood thinners of some sort, having AF and your age. Your heart rate is low, has anyone mentioned a pacemaker, I have one cos my HR was same as yours.
It’s I started Dronedrone as I’m also Asthmatic and have AF with a constant high HR.
It’s been good for me no side affects and regular blood tests